Report Government
Fraud, Waste & Abuse

Top Management and Performance Challenges Facing Multiple Federal Agencies (2018)

CIGIE’s Top Management and Performance Challenges Facing Multiple Federal Agencies annual report consolidates and provides insight into the most frequently reported management and performance challenges identified by Offices of Inspector General. By consolidating these challenges, we hope to assist policymakers to determine how best to address these challenges in the future by highlighting common issues in order to foster improvements across government.

Press Release - CIGIE Releases First-Ever Report on the Top Management and Performance Challenges Facing Multiple Federal Agencies

Top Management and Performance Challenges Facing Multiple Federal Agencies
Full Report


CIGIE Chair and Department of Justice Inspector General the Honorable Michael E. Horowitz and CIGIE Vice-Chair and National Science Foundation Inspector General Allison C. Lerner introduce this year’s report. [PDF Transcript]

IGs Horowitz and Lerner are interviewed about the report on Government Matters on April 19, 2018.
IGs Horowitz and Lerner are interviewed about the report on Government Matters on April 19, 2018.

Audio Interview

Federal News Radio Podcast - Michael Horowitz: Council identifies the ties that bind inspectors general (April 27, 2018)

Statements for the Record

2018 - U.S. House of Representatives

Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
“Top Management and Performance Challenges Identified Government-Wide by the Inspector General Community” — April 18, 2018