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Preventing Cancer

Doctor talking to his patients

You can lower your risk for many kinds of cancer with screening tests, vaccines, and healthy choices.

More About Preventing Cancer

Data and Statistics

Photo of a person looking at statistics about the United States on a tablet computer

Explore U.S. Cancer Statistics, the official federal cancer statistics on the entire United States.

More Data and Statistics

Policies and Practices

Photo of a man and a woman looking at a tablet computer

Ways to prevent and control cancer linked to lack of physical activity, alcohol, indoor tanning, radon, and tobacco use.

More Policies and Practices

  • Preventing Infections in Cancer Patients
    Cancer patients who are treated with chemotherapy have a high risk of getting infections when their white blood cell count is low.
  • Cancer, the Flu, and You
    Living with cancer increases your risk for complications from influenza (“the flu”). Learn about special considerations for cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers.
  • HPV and Cancer
    Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes about 34,000 cancers each year, including most cervical cancers and several other kinds of cancer.
  • Health Disparities in Cancer
    Some groups of people are more affected by cancer than others. CDC monitors trends in cancer cases and deaths.