Childhood Lead Poisoning



What you can do to keep your child safe from lead.
Healthcare Providers

Healthcare Providers

New! Get updated testing recommendations based on new pediatric blood lead reference value of 5 ug/dL.
Obtain resources for lead testing.
Landlords, Property Managers and Renters

Landlords, Property Managers and Renters

How to renovate, repair and paint safely
Find out how to maintain your property to prevent lead poisoning.
Know your rights as a renter.


Is your home putting your family at risk for lead poisoning?
Learn how to renovate, repair, paint and do other home projects safely.


Stay up-to-date with events.
Find webinar recordings, reporting templates, contract guidelines

Download resources

Jobs and Hobbies

Jobs and Hobbies

Which jobs and hobbies can put you or your family at risk?


Download materials and find links to other agencies.
Get information about lead poisoning laws:

  • Maine's Lead Poisoning Control Act
  • Lead Paint Disclosures for Property Owners
  • Lead Poisoning Prevention Fund
  • Requirements for Stores that Sell Paint and Paint Removal Supplies