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Our Director Director's Blog

Invest in your agency today so your agency can better invest in you!  Let your voice be heard by participating in the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS).  Beginning today the FEVS will be emailed on a rolling basis by agency to every eligible Federal employee (permanently employed, non-political, non-seasonal, full- or part-time employees, onboard with their agency as of October 2017).  That’s over 1.5 million voices providing leadership feedback about what works and what needs to be improved in your workplace. 

We understand that you are busy working to achieve important agency goals and priorities and may find it hard to set aside time to respond in your busy day.  You might even wonder about the value of your participation.  Will your responses really be heard and used?  Yes they will. As an employee survey, the FEVS gives you a way to share your perspective about workplace conditions with decision-makers in your agency.  All levels of leadership have access to FEVS reports and are urged to use results to inform decisions for agency development.  FEVS results also are used by policy agencies to develop, evaluate, and shape governmentwide workplace policy and programs in support of the Federal workforce.  As you can see, your input today can have lasting benefits for your own agency, as well as the performance of the entire Executive Branch.

New this year, when you respond to the FEVS, you also will have the opportunity to inspire the future by participating in a follow-on pilot survey.  The pilot is intended to help us to modernize the FEVS by testing new topics and improvements to the FEVS. Our goal is to ensure delivery of the best, most responsive information possible to your leadership and Federal decision makers.  You will receive a pilot survey shortly after you click submit on the FEVS.  Please take time to respond to that survey too.   

Through participation in the FEVS and the pilot, you have an opportunity to shape and improve your Federal workplace now and in years to come.  Your time investment will ensure that your agency can deliver on the promise of unparalleled service to the American people. 

For last year’s results, visit the FEVS website.

Invest in your agency today so your agency can better invest in you!  Let your voice be heard by participating in the Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey (FEVS).  Beginning today the FEVS will be emailed on a rolling basis by agency to every eligible Federal employee (permanently employed, non-political, non-seasonal, full- or part-time employees, onboard with their agency as of October 2017).  That’s over 1.5 million voices providing leadership feedback about what works and what needs to be improved in your workplace. 

We understand that you are busy working to achieve important agency goals and priorities and may find it hard to set aside time to respond in your busy day.  You might even wonder about the value of your participation.  Will your responses really be heard and used?  Yes they will. As an employee survey, the FEVS gives you a way to share your perspective about workplace conditions with decision-makers in your agency.  All levels of leadership have access to FEVS reports and are urged to use results to inform decisions for agency development.  FEVS results also are used by policy agencies to develop, evaluate, and shape governmentwide workplace policy and programs in support of the Federal workforce.  As you can see, your input today can have lasting benefits for your own agency, as well as the performance of the entire Executive Branch.

New this year, when you respond to the FEVS, you also will have the opportunity to inspire the future by participating in a follow-on pilot survey.  The pilot is intended to help us to modernize the FEVS by testing new topics and improvements to the FEVS. Our goal is to ensure delivery of the best, most responsive information possible to your leadership and Federal decision makers.  You will receive a pilot survey shortly after you click submit on the FEVS.  Please take time to respond to that survey too.   

Through participation in the FEVS and the pilot, you have an opportunity to shape and improve your Federal workplace now and in years to come.  Your time investment will ensure that your agency can deliver on the promise of unparalleled service to the American people. 

For last year’s results, visit the FEVS website.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month and the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) would like to take this opportunity to inform the Federal community about the available resources for employees whose lives are affected by sexual assault. Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) became an idea in the late 1970s. Women in England began holding protests fighting against the violence they encountered while walking the streets at night. These events called “Take Back the Night” spread quickly around the world and are still widely participated in today. By the late 1980s, activists wanted a designated week to raise awareness about sexual assault and the National Coalition Against Sexual Assault designated a week in April. In 2001, the U.S. first observed SAAM and momentum began to build to prevent sexual violence.

As the chief human resource agency for the Federal Government, OPM supports that all Federal employees should feel safe and secure at work.  The effects of these incidents may greatly impact a survivor’s ability to maintain a healthy and productive work and personal life. In a way, it can affect all of us who live and work with victims and survivors, their children, and other loved ones. No one should have to work or live in a climate of fear or insecurity and Federal employees should feel confident that assaultive behavior is not accepted or tolerated.

Federal agencies already have taken steps to address this issue, and should continue to build on these important efforts and existing policies.  Agency Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) offer a wealth of support in the forms of information, resources, and counseling.  Employees should contact their agency EAP coordinator for assistance and support.  OPM hosts a site where you can locate your EAP coordinator.  As the largest employer in the nation, the Federal Government has a duty to promote the health and safety of its employees by providing support and assistance to those whose working lives are affected by sexual assault.  

OPM also would like to remind agencies of the Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking in the Workplace free, online training available for use Governmentwide.  This training is intended for all Government agencies and covers definitions and types of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking (DVSAS), how DVSAS is a workplace issue, possible signs and symptoms of DVSAS, the importance of maintaining confidentiality in the workplace, and identifying the internal and external resources available to assist employees and managers. 

We each have a role to play in combating sexual assault in the workplace and there are resources within each agency that provide guidance and support.  Let's continue working together to take care of not only ourselves, but the men and women we work alongside every day.   


I am pleased to present the results of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) Federal Work-Life Survey. This report highlights key findings and recommen­dations on the Federal workforce use of workplace flexibilities and participation in work-life programs. Investment in these strategic business practices promotes the recruitment and retention of diverse talent, improves employee morale, and sustains high individual and organizational performance.

Organizations across all sectors of work are consistently challenged by continual changes in the availability of resources, the demand of their mission, and the needs of their workforce. Federal agency and employee values are equally important to the success of Government. These values must be recognized at every level to ensure the Federal workforce is engaged and empowered to best serve the American people.

Key findings from this survey include subject matters about telework, work life programs, Employee Current and Future Work-Life Needs, Barriers to Work-Life Program Participation, and more!

For example, did you know that Employee satisfaction with the use of workplace flexibilities is high? According to the report, employees are satisfied with their use of work schedule flexibilities (80%), telework (76%), and employee assistance programs (60%), but considerably less satisfied with health and wellness programs (38%) and family and dependent care programs (30%). Program satisfaction is an important factor that contributes to the likelihood of program expected outcomes that improve retention and performance.

OPM’s implementation of workplace flexibilities and employee wellness makes OPM an ideal place for employees to build their careers and cultivate ful­filling lives outside the workplace. OPM’s analysis of the work-life survey data provides strong evidence of a significant relationship between participation in work-life programs and desired organizational outcomes. At the same time, there are opportunities for improvement by expanding support and reducing barriers to utilizing these programs.

For more numbers, statistics, and information, I invite you to review the full report! To access the full report, please go to

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