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As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving with family and friends this week, I hope you take a moment to pause, reflect and give thanks for the many blessings in our lives. 

This year, I am particularly grateful for the opportunity to serve alongside all of you, and for the warm welcome so many have extended me this fall. I am honored to be a part of OPM and to work with and learn from such dedicated civil servants.  

Since starting at OPM, I have witnessed the hard work, integrity and commitment to mission exhibited by so many in the Federal Service – and it continues to inspire me. 

As we move forward during this period of modernization and change through the President’s Management Agenda (PMA), please know that our mission remains the same.

Our core objectives of mission, service and stewardship will continue to guide us to improve the way we serve our fellow citizens. Our vision for OPM, a vision of stability, sustainability, and service for agencies and the American people, remains constant. 

Your work is vital to the future of OPM as we continue to build a Federal workforce ready to tackle challenges and meet the demands of the 21st Century.

Thank you again for all you do in service to the American people

I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful start to this holiday season and I look forward to continue working side by side in the months ahead. 

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year marks the 40th anniversary of the Civil Service Reform Act, which was signed by President Jimmy Carter on October 13, 1978 to bring more efficiency and accountability to the Federal Government.

The Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 reorganized the Civil Service Commission, establishing the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, the Merit Systems Protection Board and the Federal Labor Relations Authority in its place. 

The law also modernized the existing Federal personnel system by putting the merit system principles into law, laying out prohibited personnel practices, and establishing the Senior Executive Service.

Upon signing the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, President Carter stated,

Now this bill is law, but this is just the start of a continuing effort to improve the Federal Government’s services to the people.

By itself, the law will not ensure improvement in the system. It provides the tools; the will and determination must come from those who manage the Government.

Following the law’s enactment in 1978, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management assumed the role of chief human resources agency and personnel policy manager for the Federal Workforce.

OPM works with the President, Congress, key stakeholders, and agencies across the Federal Government to implement human capital policies that help Federal agencies meet their strategic goals and achieve agency results.

Today, OPM continues to advance its mission by modernizing and improving our Federal Workforce through the President’s Management Agenda.

The President’s Management Agenda was created to address 21st Century challenges throughout the Federal workforce and drive improved results across all Federal agencies by focusing on achieving mission-driven results, providing excellent service to the public and exercising effective stewardship of taxpayer funds.  

By embracing the reforms outlined by the PMA, OPM will continue to build upon the mission outlined by the Civil Service Reform Act, making our government more efficient, effective and accountable to the American people. 

To learn more, check out this video recapping OPM's Civil Service Reform Act 40th Anniversary event. 

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