Tools for Action

We review the documents in our database every six months to make sure they are still accurate and relevant.

Homelessness in America

To prevent and end homelessness in America, we need to have a clear understanding of who is at risk of homelessness and who experiences homelessness. We also need to be attentive to differences within and between subpopulations of people who are at risk for or are experiencing homelessness.

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Homelessness in America: Focus on Individual Adults

In our Homelessness in America series, we summarize data and research about specific subpopulations to help inform the work we must do, together, to end homelessness. In this brief, we focus on individual adults.

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Meeting the Needs of Families with Young Children Experiencing Homelessness Fact Sheets

In Home, Together, we focus on strategies to ensure that homelessness is a rare, brief, and one-time experience. In order to achieve that goal, national, state, and local partners must work across sectors to build a coordinated community response that addresses the strengths and needs of individuals and families.

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Sustaining an End to Veteran Homelessness: Strategies for Institutionalizing Your Progress

These strategies help to support sustained success as communities achieve the goal of ending Veteran homelessness and as they pursue an end to homelessness for other populations.

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Master List Template and Benchmark Generation Tool for Ending Veteran Homelessness

This tool, developed by HUD and its partners, helps you develop or improve your by-name list in order to meet the criteria for achieving the goal of ending Veteran homelessness. The Master List Template and Benchmark Generation Tool includes a by-name list template that you can use as-is or to identify data to include in your own by-name list. 

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Homelessness in America: Focus on Youth

In our Homelessness in America series, we summarize data and research about specific subpopulations to help inform the work we must do, together, to end homelessness. In this brief, we focus on unaccompanied youth.

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Communities That Have Ended Homelessness

These communities have a system in place to ensure that homelessness is rare, brief, and one-time.

To be recognized as having achieved the goal, communities must meet the requirements laid out in the federal criteria and benchmarks for ending homelessness.

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United States Interagency Council on Homelessness Fact Sheet

The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) leads the national efforts to prevent and end homelessness in America. This fact sheet details the work of the agency.

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Tools, Policies & Templates for Addressing Unsheltered Homelessness

These tools were developed by CSH, based on materials created by Project HOME and the City of Philadelphia, to help communities address unsheltered homelessness.

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Home, Together Fact Sheet

This fact sheet summarizes the goals and objectives of Home, Together: The Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness.

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