
The Administration for Children and Families is comprised of 21 offices including the Office of Regional Operations, which represents 10 regional offices around the country. Each office is specialized in its mission, supporting a variety of initiatives that empower families and individuals and improve access to services in order to create strong, healthy communities. Our programs fund a variety of projects from Native American Language Preservation to Refugee Resettlement to Child Care. The breadth of our programming allows us to positively impact the lives of individuals and families around the country.

ACF Organizational ChartOffice of Communications Offices of Regional Operations Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Early Childhood Development Office of Child Care Office of Head Start Office on Trafficking in Persons Office of Refugee Resettlement Office of Human Services Emergency Preparedness and Response Office of Family Assistance Office of Community Services Office of Child Support Enforcement Administration on Children, Youth and Families Administration for Native Americans Children's Bureau Family Youth Services Bureau Office of Administration Office of the Chief Information Officer Office of Legislative Affairs and Budget Office of Planning, Research and Evaluation Region 1: Boston, MA Region 2: New York, NY Region 3: Philadelphia, PA Region 4: Atlanta, GA Region 5: Chicago, IL Region 6: Dallas, TX Region 7: Kansas City, MO Region 8: Denver, CO Region 9: San Francisco, CA Region 10: Seattle, WA

*Approved as of August 24, 2018.

ACF Offices

*Indicates support offices.

Last Reviewed: August 24, 2018
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