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Web Features

These pages provide an overview of cancer topics that are appropriate for the season, or support a health awareness day or month.

Current Feature

Photo of a woman receiving chemotherapyPreventing Infections in Cancer Patients
Learn how to prevent infections. Call your doctor right away if you get a fever or feel sick during your chemotherapy treatment.

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Photo of two women Breast Cancer Awareness
The best way to find breast cancer early is with a mammogram. If you are a woman aged 50 years or older, be sure to have a screening mammogram every two years.

Photo of a young woman Breast Cancer in Young Women
Most breast cancers are found in women who are 50 years old or older, but breast cancer also affects younger women. Learn who is at a higher risk of getting breast cancer at a younger age.

Photo of a nurse vaccinating a child. Cancer Prevention Starts in Childhood
You can lower your children’s risk of getting cancer later in life by getting them vaccinated against HPV and helping them make healthy choices.

Photo of two women Cervical Cancer Awareness
Most cases of cervical cancer are easily preventable with regular screening tests and follow-up. It also is highly curable when found and treated early. Vaccines are available to protect against the most common cause of cervical cancer.

Photo of Robert S. Colorectal Cancer Awareness
“I never would have found it early if I hadn’t been screened,” said Robert, a survivor of colorectal cancer. If you’re 50 to 75 years old, get screened for colorectal cancer regularly.

Photo of a doctor giving a flu shot to a patient Flu Information for Cancer Patients and Survivors
Living with cancer increases your risk for complications from the flu. People with cancer or a history of cancer, and people who live with or care for cancer patients and survivors, should get a flu shot every year.

Photo of two women Gynecologic Cancer Awareness
All women are at risk for gynecologic cancers, and risk increases with age. You can lower your risk for some of these cancers.

Photo of raised hands Health Disparities in Cancer
Increasing early cancer detection, promoting healthy lifestyles, and expanding access to health care help reduce inequalities in cancer among groups at greatest risk.

Photo of a man and a woman Lung Cancer Awareness
Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in both men and women. Smoking causes 80% to 90% of cases of lung cancer. Don’t smoke, and avoid secondhand smoke.

Photo of two men Men and Cancer
Every year, cancer claims the lives of nearly 300,000 men in America. Men can lower their risk for several common kinds of cancer.

Photo of a woman receiving chemotherapyPreventing Infections in Cancer Patients
Learn how to prevent infections. Call your doctor right away if you get a fever or feel sick during your chemotherapy treatment.

Photo of a man Prostate Cancer Awareness
Before getting screened for prostate cancer, learn about the possible benefits and harms of screening so that you can make the best choice for you. Talk to your doctor about your personal risk for prostate cancer to figure out what is right for you.

Photo of a family at the beach Skin Cancer Awareness
While you enjoy the outdoors this summer, protect yourself from skin cancer by staying in the shade, wearing sunglasses, a hat, and sun-protective clothing, and using sunscreen.

Photo of a woman with cancer sitting by her window holding her granddaughter. Staying Healthy During and After Cancer Treatment
Cancer patients: get tips for staying physically, mentally, and emotionally healthy during and after your cancer treatment.

Photo of a three women Women and Cancer
Every year, cancer claims the lives of more than a quarter of a million women in America. A woman can reduce her cancer risk by adopting a healthy lifestyle and getting the right cancer screening tests for her stage of life.

Get 7 quick tips to help prevent cancer World Cancer Day
Almost everyone knows someone whose life has been affected by cancer, but each of us can do something to lower our risk. Get 7 quick tips to help prevent cancer.