National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
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NCCIH Clinical Trial Funding Opportunity Announcements


For applications submitted on or after January 25, 2018, the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) will no longer accept most clinical trial applications through the Parent R01 (See NOT-AT-18-001). NCCIH has published a series of clinical trial-specific Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) for investigators to use instead of the Parent R01. They focus on 1) natural product studies and 2) mind and body intervention studies, targeting support of all phases of clinical intervention development.

Clinical trials are particularly important to NCCIH. We study health interventions widely used by the American public—interventions often used with scarce evidence of efficacy. We see substantial promise in many of these interventions, but we recognize that the evidence supporting their use is often incomplete. These clinical trial FOAs will help to address gaps in current research and build a strong evidence base.

NCCIH Clinical Trial FOAs Support Continuum of Clinical Research

Our new FOAs will allow researchers to incorporate a larger amount of relevant information in their grant applications, which will be assessed by special review panels familiar with our research priorities and the goals of the new FOAs. Applicants using the new FOAs must provide details about their proposed clinical studies in a standardized way via additional required attachments.

With these new opportunities, we will support investigators working on the “building blocks” that bridge the gap from basic research to high-impact clinical trials. We’re providing pathways via these FOAs to support all developmental steps that may lead to major clinical trials on complementary and integrative health approaches.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) defines a clinical trial as “A research study in which one or more human subjects are prospectively assigned to one or more interventions (which may include placebo or other control) to evaluate the effects of those interventions on health-related biomedical or behavioral outcomes.” NCCIH recognizes a difference between clinical trials that are designed to answer specific questions about the clinical effect of interventions and mechanistic studies that have the primary goal of understanding how an intervention works.

  • A mechanistic study is defined as one designed to understand the mechanism of action of an intervention, a biological process, or the pathophysiology of a disease.
  • A clinical outcome study is defined as one with the objective of determining the clinical safety, tolerability, feasibility, efficacy, and/or effectiveness of pharmacologic, nonpharmacologic, behavioral, biologic, surgical, or device (invasive or non-invasive) interventions.  Use the new FOAs listed below for clinical outcome studies.

When Can Applicants Still Use the Parent R01?

NCCIH will continue to accept R01 applications via PA-16-160 that propose a study with human participants when the primary outcome/endpoint is explicitly mechanistic, rather than a clinical outcome, even if the mechanistic study meets the NIH definition of a clinical trial. However, NCCIH will not accept applications via PA-16-160 proposing mechanistic studies that include any specific aim(s) to measure efficacy or effectiveness. NCCIH will continue to accept applications via PA-16-160 for observational studies such as secondary data analysis, survey studies, cohort studies, or case-control studies; as well as animal or cell based studies. (See NCCIH Policy for Submission of Parent R01 Applications Proposing Clinical Trials, NOT-AT-18-001)

For More Information

Mind and Body Clinical Trial Funding Opportunities

NIH Guide #

*UG3/UH3 and U24 are companion announcements. Investigators must submit applications to both FOAs together.

Natural Product Clinical Trial Funding Opportunities

NIH Guide #

*UG3/UH3 and U24 are companion announcements. Investigators must submit applications to both FOAs together.

This page last modified May 08, 2018