National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
NIH…Turning Discovery Into Health

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NCCIH’s Research Strategy

Research goals, types of research NCCIH funds, and the Center’s top scientific priorities.

Research Sponsored by NCCIH

The Division of Extramural Research develops and oversees NCCIH-funded research and research training programs.

Research Conducted at NCCIH

The Division of Intramural Research conducts clinical, translational, and basic research in Bethesda, MD.

NCCIH Research Blog

NCCIH staff blog about research results, funding opportunities, policies, and meetings of interest to researchers.

Policies and Guidelines

Documentation from NCCIH and NIH on proper research procedures.

Awarded Grants and Contracts

Lists of research and training grants funded for both new and ongoing research, with links to abstracts.

Clinical Trials

Learn more about NCCIH's current and past medical studies with people.

Resources for Researchers

NCCIH Clinical Research Toolbox, recruitment and accrual information, and resources on rigor and reproducibility.

This page last modified September 24, 2017