The Office of Science of the Department of Energy is pleased to announce that 84 scientists from across the nation have been selected to receive funding as part of DOE’s 2018 Early Career Research Program – including 30 from DOE’s national laboratories and 54 from U.S. universities. The program, now in its ninth year, supports the development of individual research programs of outstanding scientists early in their careers and stimulates research careers in the disciplines supported by the DOE Office of Science.

Under the program, university-based researchers receive at least $150,000 per year to cover summer salary and research expenses. For researchers based at DOE national laboratories, where DOE typically covers full salary and expenses of laboratory employees, grants will be at least $500,000 per year to cover year-round salary plus research expenses. The research grants are planned for five years.

To be eligible for the DOE award, a researcher must be an untenured, tenure-track assistant or associate professor at a U.S. academic institution or a full-time employee at a DOE national laboratory, who received a Ph.D. within the past 10 years. Research topics are required to fall within one of the Department's Office of Science's six major program offices:  Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR); Biological and Environmental Research (BER); Basic Energy Sciences (BES), Fusion Energy Sciences (FES); High Energy Physics (HEP), and Nuclear Physics (NP).

Projects announced at this time are selections for negotiation of financial award. The final details for each award are subject to final grant and contract negotiations between DOE and the awardees. The FY 2018 Award Abstracts for the 84 awardees can be found below. In addition, the archive for abstracts for prior year awards is also shown.

FY 2019 Funding Opportunity:  Pending appropriations and approvals, the funding opportunity announcement for the FY 2019 Office of Science Early Career Research Program is planned for release early in the fiscal year.  Updates on the schedule will be posted as these are available.

Last modified: 7/10/2018 4:17:17 PM