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Quickly Capture Tiny Particles Reacting11.28.18Science Highlight

Quickly Capture Tiny Particles Reacting

New method takes a snapshot every millisecond of groups of light-scattering particles, showing what happens during industrially relevant reactions. Read More »

Newly Discovered Bacteria Breaks Down Biomass11.28.18Science Highlight

Newly Discovered Bacteria Breaks Down Biomass

The bacteria from cows and other ruminants’ digestive systems could provide insights for converting corn stover and other biomass into fuels. Read More »

Review Examines the Science and Needs of Nitrogen-Based Transformations 11.26.18Science Highlight

Review Examines the Science and Needs of Nitrogen-Based Transformations

Advances in biochemistry and catalysis could lead to faster, greener nitrogen-rich fertilizer. Read More »

New Technology Consistently Identifies Proteins from a Dozen Cells11.26.18Science Highlight

New Technology Consistently Identifies Proteins from a Dozen Cells

A new platform melding microfluidics and robotics allows more in-depth bioanalysis with fewer cells than ever before. Read More »

Optimal Foraging: How Soil Microbes Adapt to Nutrient Constraints11.26.18Science Highlight

Optimal Foraging: How Soil Microbes Adapt to Nutrient Constraints

How microbial communities adjust to nutrient-poor soils at the genomic and proteomic level gives scientists insights into land use. Read More »

How a Bacterium Uses Multiple Enzymes to Degrade Plant Biomass11.21.18Science Highlight

How a Bacterium Uses Multiple Enzymes to Degrade Plant Biomass

Analyses reveal how a microbe breaks down lignin, providing a better understanding useful to making biofuels. Read More »

Microbes Eat the Same in Labs and the Desert11.09.18Science Highlight

Microbes Eat the Same in Labs and the Desert

Analyses of natural communities forming soil crusts agree with laboratory studies of isolated microbe-metabolite relationships. Read More »

Diverse Biofeedstocks Have High Ethanol Yields and Offer Biorefineries Flexibility11.09.18Science Highlight

Diverse Biofeedstocks Have High Ethanol Yields and Offer Biorefineries Flexibility

Evidence suggests that biorefineries can accept various feedstocks without negatively impacting the amount of ethanol produced per acre. Read More »

Opening Access to Explore the Synthetic Chemistry of Neptunium11.07.18Science Highlight

Opening Access to Explore the Synthetic Chemistry of Neptunium

New, easily prepared starting material opens access to learning more about a difficult-to-control element in nuclear waste. Read More »

Tiny Titanium Barrier Halts Big Problem in Fuel-Producing Solar Cells 11.07.18Science Highlight

Tiny Titanium Barrier Halts Big Problem in Fuel-Producing Solar Cells

New design coats molecular components and dramatically improves stability under tough, oxidizing conditions. Read More »

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Last modified: 11/9/2015 8:58:42 PM