Progress Reports

2016 Program Progress – Cross-State Air Pollution Rule and Acid Rain Program

This report summarizes annual progress through 2016 under the Acid Rain Program (ARP) and the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR). This reporting year marks the second year of the CSAPR implementation and twenty-first year of the ARP.

Substantial reductions in power sector emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO₂) and nitrogen oxides (NOₓ), along with improvements in air quality and the environment, demonstrate the success of these programs. Transparency and data availability are a cornerstone of this success. This report highlights data that EPA systematically collects on emissions, compliance, and environmental effects.

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CSAPR Program Map

2016 ARP and CSAPR at a Glance

  • Annual SO₂ emissions:
    CSAPR - 1.2 million tons (87 percent below 2005)
    ARP - 1.5 million tons (91 percent below 1990)
  • Annual NOₓ emissions
    CSAPR - 0.8 million tons (69 percent below 2005)
    ARP - 1.2 million tons (81 percent below 1990)
  • CSAPR ozone season NOₓ emissions: 420,000 tons (53 percent below 2005)
  • Compliance: 100 percent compliance for power plants in the ARP and CSAPR programs.
  • Ambient particulate sulfate concentrations: The eastern United States has shown substantial improvement, decreasing 71 to 75 percent between 1989–1991 and 2014–2016.
  • Ozone NAAQS attainment: Based on 2014-2016 data, all 92 areas in the East originally designated as nonattainment for the 1997 ozone NAAQS are now meeting the standard.
  • PM₂.₅ NAAQS attainment: Based on 2014-2016 data, 34 of the 39 areas in the East originally designated as nonattainment for the 1997 PM₂.₅ NAAQS are now meeting the standard (two areas have incomplete data).
  • Wet sulfate deposition: All areas of the eastern United States have shown significant improvement with an overall 66 percent reduction in wet sulfate deposition from 1989–1991 to 2014–2016.
  • Levels of acid neutralizing capacity (ANC): This indicator of recovery improved (i.e., increased) significantly from 1990 levels at lake and stream monitoring sites in the Adirondack region, New England and the Catskill mountains.