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Got a Problem?


This page explains how you can get answers to questions or issues you are having with your flood policy, flood claim, flood map, after a disaster, or something else entirely. When you get answers and assistance, it strengthens our partnership so together we can continue to protect America from the devastation of flood losses.

Is your question about...

...a flood insurance policy?

  1. First, contact your insurance agent or company. The insurance agent who handles your homeowners or renters insurance policy could be the same agent who handles your flood insurance policy.
  2. If your agent cannot assist you, contact your insurance company or the insurance agent who sold you the policy. If you have a policy with NFIP Direct, call 1-800-638-6620. If you are not sure who your insurer is, call 1-800-427-4661. Help is available in most languages. Individuals who are deaf or hard-of-hearing can use the 711 relay system and ask to speak with someone in the NFIP Call Center.
  3. Visit Information for Policyholders.
  4. For help understanding a particular word or phrase used by the NFIP, visit Definitions.

...a flood insurance claim?

  1. Learn about how to start the flood insurance claim process.

  2. For issues related to your claim, contact your insurance adjuster. If you are unable to resolve your concerns with your adjuster, contact the adjuster’s supervisor by calling the adjusting firm.

  3. If you still don't have a satisfactory resolution, contact your insurance company. If you have received a denial letter (either for some of all of your flood claim), and using all of the steps in the flood claims process have not led to a resolution you are comfortable with, you may want to explore next-step options, like possibly getting an appraisal, or filing a flood claim appeal, among others. Or if you have a policy with NFIP Direct, call 1-800-767-4341.

...a flood map?

If you need information about the flood map for your community, or do not agree with the flood zone determination for your building, contact FEMA's Flood Map Service Center at 1-877-FEMA-MAP (1-877-336-2627) to answer many of your questions and give you information on how to dispute your flood zone. Use the "live chat" on this page to find out about many things concerning flood maps, including if there is or soon will be a flood map change happening that will impact your property.

...Help after a Disaster?

One of the best things about flood insurance is that you can file a claim regardless of if there is a Presidential Disaster Declaration. However, if you have flood insurance and plan to or have filed a flood claim, FEMA encourages you to apply for disaster assistance too, because you may be found eligible to receive help for uninsured or underinsured losses, which may include assistance with temporary housing. The only way to know if you are eligible for this assistance is to apply. Learn more.

  • Learn more about various forms of federal disaster aid and register online, at disasterassistance.gov.

  • Policyholders without internet access can check their eligibility for disaster assistance by calling 1-800-621-3362 (Multilingual operators are available press 2 for Spanish). 

  • Disaster assistance applicants who use TTY, should call 1-800-462-7585 directly; for those who use 711 or Video Relay Service (VRS), call 1-800-621-3362.

...Information for Insurance Professionals?

The information on this page will be especially useful to insurance professionals because it covers many technical subjects, including how to become a FloodSmart Agent, agent training, map change outreach toolkits, the claims handbook, details of the flood insurance manual, a link to the standard flood insurance claims forms, the Community Status Book, and more.

...Information for State and Local Officials?

This page provides links to resources and information for state and local officials about the National Flood Insurance Program, including information about: how to contact a regional FEMA office; the Community Rating System; the Coastal Barrier Resource System; the Community Status Book; the FEMA Map Service Center; Flood map information; a link to the standard flood insurance claims forms; a link to NFIP publications, and more.

Still need help?

  1. If you still have questions, try searching for answers on this site or glancing through the page titles in the navigation menu.
  2. The NFIP Help Center can answer general inquiries about flood insurance, call 1-800-427-4661.
  3. Contact Ask the Expert by email, at floodsmart@fema.dhs.gov.
  4. If after using the above resources and or others available to you (i.e. insurance agent, insurance company, etc.), you still need help and answers, please contact the The Advocate's Office for assistance.
Last Updated: 
10/12/2018 - 15:58