Training for Veteran small business owners to compete for VA set-aside procurements

VA offers free training to help VOSBs and SDVOBs


Stolen Valor is a topic that can raise the blood pressure of both Veterans and non-Veterans alike. Most of the time, these acts only bring shame to the person claiming to be something they are not. In some cases, however, they actually take money away from a Veteran trying to earn a living.

One of the ways this happens is by claiming to be a Veteran-owned small business in order to get set-aside contracts and other business opportunities intended solely for Veteran business owners. Until a few years ago, all a business owner had to do was check a box self-certifying their selves as Veteran-owned business. No one checked.

That is no longer the case at VA. Small business owners who wish to pursue VA set-aside procurement opportunities must be verified as a service-disabled Veteran-owned small business (SDVOSB) or Veteran-owned small business (VOSB) by the Center for Verification and Evaluation (CVE).

The verification program was established to reduce the number of businesses that were fraudulently claiming Veteran status, as well as protect the competitive edge that Veteran small businesses VA set-aside contracts provide to the Veteran-owned small businesses.

The verification program has a strict and rigorous process to ensure businesses are in fact owned and controlled by a Veteran, or multiple Veterans. To assist firms interested in applying for verification, CVE has established a Verification Assistance Program which includes verification assistance briefs, fact sheets, and FAQs, covering every aspect of regulation CFR 38 Part 74 and the verification process. You can find it all on the website.

One key element of the program is application assistance. CVE has developed a partnership to grow and sustain an inventory of verification assistance counselors. Referred to as CVE Certified Verification Assistance Counselors, these individuals provide “no-cost” assistance to Veterans throughout the verification application process. Counselors are located nationwide, and only those listed on CVE’s website are provided continued training and support, and endorsed by CVE. Veterans have reported paying as much as $20,000 for similar services. Through CVE, these services are free.

CVE has also begun hosting Verification Program webinars and virtual town halls to provide comprehensive information to potential new applicants, firms re-verifying, and those who have achieved verification.  CVE also uses these sessions to get feedback from its customers. The schedule of webinars includes:

  • 1st Tuesday of each month – Preparing for Re-verification Webinar & Town Hall
    • This training is designed for firms whose verification will expire in 5 months or thirty days.
  • 3rd Tuesday of each month – Pre-Application Webinar & Town Hall
    • This training is designed for firms interested in submitted their first CVE Verification application. Also, firms who have been inactive in the program for some time and now desire to submit an application can also benefit from this session.
  • 4th Tuesday of each month – How to stay Verified Webinar & Town Hall
    • This training is designed for firms who have been verified in the last six months.

To learn more about CVE and the verification program, please connect via or via social media channels:

Firms who have started the Verification process can contact CVE’s Customer Service Contact Center at (866) 584-2344, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.  For an update on your application, please contact CVE by phone or email at

This blog was written by Mr. Purvis Broughton. Purvis is a retired Veteran of the U.S. Navy, serving 28 years. As the Verification Support Team Leader, he is responsible for Veteran facing support services for the Center for Verification and Evaluation (CVE) to include the Help Desk/Call Center, Verification Assistance Program, Customer Relations, Verification Program familiarization briefings, Verification Program Training, and coordination with Contracting Officers regarding the Verification Program.


VAntagePoint Contributor

— VAntage Point Contributors provide insight and perspective on a wide range of Veterans issues. If you’d like to contribute a story to VAntage Point, learn how you can submit a guest blog at


  1. Michael Tracy    

    I wish someone can help this veteran to find some way to earn some money. I am 59, and I’m sure that for me labor work is out. Any help would be appreciated.

  2. huffo    

    Great Information, Training for Veteran small business owners to compete for VA set-aside procurements is best for who want to be businessman

  3. John White    

    It was sad for me to read about those who took advantage of just checking the box even if they were not a veteran. I had no idea this was happening and happy now that it is sorted this time. The programs for veterans are thin enough as it is and those who are taking assistance money away from the program is totally insane. I donate to our local va center and this just makes me want to give more. Good article Purvis and i’m glad I found it.

  4. Patrick Bryant    

    I am a Disabled US Veteran apart of development of multiple Projects iinteracting with each other for US Veteran’s an other’s in Community’s.Entrepreneurs Franchises Projects in,Eco-low Emissions Hybrid Mobile Food Cart’s,the Cart’s equipt wih,Free Wi-Fi(paid ads endorsed, promoted Apps),Digital Visual Ad’s,Silouet Board apart of Cart (where better in front of millions at eye level,in combination with Wi-Fi Promoted Apps by Categories),Cloversystem(credit cards and banking an more),Customized Ovens an Equipment, Real Refrigeration, Solar Panels, HVAC(heating and cooling) ,Partnerships with Chain Restaurants, Eco-Friendly Commissary, Coursework for introduction an Filing paperwork, Fees,Orientation how to operate Business within Network of Support, Resources, updates.To model here in NYC and to select Cities, State’s throughout USA,an much more. The best part US Veteran’s Entrepreneurs Franchises will get Cart for $1.00 lease,$85.00 insuranc, per month,my or U can contact

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