Office of Research & Development

Million Veteran Program (MVP): Frequently Asked Questions MVP map

How do I participate?

Veterans who are users of the VA health care system at one of the enrolling sites are able to participate at this time. MVP is rolling-out at VA medical centers across the nation. Once a site is open for enrollment, Veterans who are users of the VA health care system at that site will receive an invitation by mail to volunteer in MVP. If you are a Veteran who receives health care at an enrolling site but have not received a mailing, you can schedule an appointment by calling toll-free 1-866-441-6075, or walk-in to your local MVP clinic to participate today (directions to the clinics can be found by clicking on a site here). To learn more about what participation involves, click here or call the toll-free number.

Do I need to schedule an appointment to participate?

No! Veterans are welcome to walk-in to their nearest participating MVP clinic any time during their business hours. MVP study visits take approximately 20 minutes to complete. To confirm business hours, please call the MVP Information Center toll-free at 866-441-6075. Click here to see a list of enrolling clinics.

I've completed the MVP Baseline Survey - do I need to wait for the appointment letter?

You don't need to wait! Veterans are welcome to walk-in to their local MVP clinic prior to receiving the appointment letter. MVP Staff will be happy to accommodate you.

What are the potential benefits of participating in MVP?

MVP will help researchers better understand the role genes play in our health. For example, this research may tell us why some people are more responsive to certain medicines or why certain individuals are more likely to develop diseases like diabetes or heart disease. Your participation may not immediately benefit you. However, research findings may lead to new ways of preventing and treating illnesses in Veterans and all Americans in the future.

What about protecting my privacy?

MVP takes great strides to protect the privacy of every participant in the program. Learn more.

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Any health information on this website is strictly for informational purposes and is not intended as medical advice. It should not be used to diagnose or treat any condition.