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This Week in GeorgiaGov: Disability

When Our Furry Companions are More Than Pets: Happy Assistance Dog Week

August 10, 2018

What qualifies an assistance dog and where can they go?

Hands-Free Law and Others Taking Effect July 1

June 25, 2018

The legislative session is over and done, and all that’s left to do is obey the new laws, most of which take effect July 1.

While many of this year’s new laws will have little or minor impact on Georgians’ day-to-day lives, there is one big act that could have a drastic effect on highway safety.

Funding Continued Needs of People with Brain and Spinal Injuries

September 14, 2017

When someone faces a brain or spinal injury, they often need more support than the initial hospital costs. The Georgia Brain and Spinal Injury Trust Fund sets out to meet these continued needs.

2017 Mental Health Day at the Capitol

January 26, 2017

Jan. 31 is Mental Health Day at the Capitol. Register now for educational sessions, a tour of the Capitol and the opportunity to meet with your Georgia state legislators.

Transportation Options for the Elderly

December 22, 2016

Driving can be a huge burden for us as we grow older - it can be stressful and cause fear. Find out about safe and reliable transportation options available for the elderly around the state.

Everything You Need to Know About Deer Hunting in Georgia

October 19, 2016

Firearm deer hunting season starts this Saturday, Oct. 22, 2016. Learn the laws and restrictions of hunting deer in Georgia.

Help for the Homeless in Georgia

August 4, 2016

Georgia's home to nearly 14,000 homeless individuals throughout the state. However, there are a number of programs that offer assistance and care that can better their lives and the lives of the families. Funding and programs that reach homeless individuals with disabilities, AIDS, veterans and their families are available through the Georgia Department of Community Affairs. 

Georgia's Resources for Autism

April 15, 2015

With a new autism insurance bill being signed into law, now is a good time to look at Georgia's resources for children on the spectrum. 

Making Home Modifications for People With Disabilities

March 31, 2015

Making home modifications can make life easier for those who have a disability. 

Getting Mental Health Help

December 13, 2013

Find out how the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities can help you find mental health services.
