Providing Public Comments to the CPUC

The CPUC is interested in hearing from you.  We encourage public comment on issues before the CPUC.

Speak at a Voting Meeting – Attend a Voting Meeting to make comments before all five Commissioners. Browse our online comments page - Give us feedback as the CPUC considers issues of statewide public interest.

Attend a Public Participation Hearing - The CPUC often holds Public Participation Hearings in proceedings that will impact consumers.  We require utilities to let consumers know about upcoming public hearings through notices in your bills. Therefore, it is very important to read bill inserts! You can always check the CPUC's Daily Calendar and follow us on Twitter and Facebook

Write to us – Send us a letter or an email with comments on any proceeding.  Our Public Advisor routes all comments to the assigned Administrative Law Judge and to the Commissioners' offices.  Please include the proceeding number.  If you do not know the proceeding number, please provide the utility name and any other pertinent details.  Often, customers receive bill notices when a utility has filed an Application with the CPUC that will impact ratepayers. The bill notices will have the contact information for the Public Advisor's Office:

Address: California Public Utilities Commission
Public Advisor's Office
505 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94102


Questions? Contact Public Advisor’s Office

Telephone: 1-866-849-8390
CPUC Public Advisor's Office
505 Van Ness Ave
San Francisco, CA 94102

Read our Brochures on CPUC Processes

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