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Submitting data

GEO accepts many categories of high-throughput functional genomic data, including all array-based applications and some high-throughput sequencing data.

We aim to make data deposit procedures as straightforward as possible and will provide as much assistance as you require to get your data submitted to GEO. If you have problems or questions about submission, e-mail us with a brief description of the type of data you are trying to submit, and one of our curators will quickly get back to you.

Data types

WARNING: If you are submitting human data, it is your responsibility to comply with Human Subject Guidelines.

Fast facts

  • Your final GEO records will be organized as illustrated at GEO Overview.
  • See examples of the kinds of data GEO can accept.
  • GEO supports various submission formats:
    • GEOarchive spreadsheet submissions are recommended for most submitters.
    • If your data and metadata are already in a database, and you can generate and export data in SOFT plain text or MINiML XML, you can use the GEO Direct deposit form to submit data.
  • GEO accession numbers are normally approved within 5 business days after completion of submission. If you do not receive an e-mail from us within 5 business days of your submission, please first check your spam or junk e-mail folders because some systems recognize GEO e-mail correspondence as spam, then e-mail us to inquire about your submission.
  • Your GEO submissions can remain private until a manuscript citing the data is published.
  • You can allow reviewers anonymous access to your private records.
  • You can update or edit your existing GEO records at any time.
  • GEO supports MIAME- and MINSEQE-compliant data submissions.
Last modified: June 13, 2018