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Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Legal Resources Federal Statutes

Federal Statutes
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The Commission’s legal authority comes from the Federal Power Act and major amendments made to it by the US Congress. On August 8, 2005, President George W. Bush signed into law the Energy Policy Act of 2005. The Commission has a major role in implementing this legislation. The Commission must also comply with other federal statutes covering environmental reviews and protection, financial reporting, information technology reporting, and historic preservation. These are arranged by topic below.

Click on the categories below to view additional information.
Note: Most of the links below are external and you will be leaving FERC's website.
Hydropower Regulatory Efficiency Act of 2013 PDF

Note: Most of the links below are external and you will be leaving FERC's website.
Alaska Natural Gas Pipeline Act of 2004 External Links (search for Division C)
Alaska Natural Gas Transportation Act of 1976 External Links
Natural Gas Act External Links
Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 External Links
Natural Gas Wellhead Decontrol Act of 1989 PDF (NGWDA)
(Amended sections of the Natural Gas Policy Act in 1989)
Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act External Links (OCSLA)

Note: Most of the links below are external and you will be leaving FERC's website.
Interstate Commerce Act External Links | [PDF , 7MB]

Title 18 Chapter I of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) External Links
If you would like to conduct your own search of the CFR you can access the Governmental Printing Organization/National Archives and Records Administration website External Links.

    Part 340 - Rate Schedules And Tariffs
    Part 341 - Oil Pipeline Tariffs
    Part 342 - Oil Pipeline Rate Methodologies and Procedures
    Part 343 - Procedural Rules Applicable to Oil Pipeline Proceedings
    Part 344 - Filing Quotations For U.S. Government Shipments At Reduced Rates

    Part 346 - Oil Pipeline Cost-Of-Service Filing Requirements
    Part 347 - Oil Pipeline Depreciation Studies
    Part 348 - Oil Pipeline Applications For Market Power Determinations
    Part 356 - Preservation Of Records For Oil Pipeline Companies
    Part 357 - Annual Special Or Periodic Reports