Regional Administrator

Promotional imageMartha Okafor

Martha Okafor is the Regional Administrator for the Administration for Children and Families (ACF),  Region 3,  Delaware, District of Columbia,  Maryland,  Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia.  Dr. Okafor provides executive leadership and guides the regional implementation of ACF high priority across the states, tribes,  and other stakeholders. She facilitates consensus on agency-wide program priorities, cross-cutting strategies and innovations with other federal agencies to enhance ACF mission of promoting economic and social well-being of children, families, individuals, and communities.

Martha has prior experience working on the African American Healthy Marriage Initiative,  administering social-economic services,  Child Welfare,  SNAP,  early care,  Medicaid, SCHIP,  behavioral health,  reentry,  homelessness, and  public health programs.  As a public service professional, Martha has held various senior executive positions within the states of Connecticut and Georgia in Departments of: Human Services - Family and Children Services, Public Health and Social Services.  She has a track record of maximizing outcomes, integrating services,  and optimizing systems’  performance at national,  state,  city and academia levels.  Within academia, Martha published many scientific peer-reviewed articles and received funded research by the National Institutes of Health.  Most recently,  Dr.  Martha Okafor lectured at Yale University.

Last Reviewed: January 7, 2019

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