National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
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NCCIH Research Blog

NCCIH Research Blog

NCCIH blogs about research developments related to complementary health practices. Check in regularly to keep up with the latest findings.

David Shurtleff, Ph.D.
David Shurtleff, Ph.D.
November 30, 2018

I want to share some details with you about an upcoming workshop on cannabinoid research. Sponsored by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), “Evaluating the Therapeutic Potential of Cannabinoids: How To Conduct Research Within the Current Regulatory Framework” will take place on Saturday, December 8 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. ET. A livestream link will be available through the NCCIH Web site

Over the course of the day’s events, researchers, government officials, and industry representatives will gather to discuss processes and issues related to conducting cannabinoid research. Beyond NCCIH, representatives from other agencies at the National Institutes of Health, including the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, the National Institute of Mental Health, and the National Institute on Drug Abuse, as well as the Food and Drug Administration and the Drug Enforcement Agency, will provide perspectives from the Federal level. In addition, representatives from a variety of companies and universities will give insight from industry and academia. By bringing these groups together, NCCIH looks forward to facilitating conversations about navigating this regulatory space, taking advantage of new research opportunities, and building possible collaborations. By the end, the workshop will have provided an up-to-date assessment of the state of the science and the most effective ways to work within the current regulatory environment.

To begin, the workshop will kick off with a session titled “Evaluating the Risks and Potential Benefits of Cannabinoids: The State of the Science,” which I have the pleasure of moderating. Two additional sessions will discuss how to work within the current Federal regulatory environment and provide information on how scientists are working to advance research alongside the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. Dr. Wendy Weber, chief of the NCCIH Clinical Research Branch, will end the day with a moderated group discussion on how to move cannabis-related research forward.

The idea for this workshop was born from a desire to further research on cannabinoids, specifically to evaluate their therapeutic properties for the treatment of pain and other conditions. Going forward, NCCIH plans to support basic, mechanistic, translational, and clinical research necessary to determine therapeutic benefits. In fact, NCCIH just issued notices of intent to publish funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) to explore the mechanisms underlying the analgesic properties of minor cannabinoids and terpenes using both the R01 and the R21 funding mechanisms. We expect these FOAs to be released in early January. 

Overall, we hope this workshop will help attendees think more clearly about the best way to do cannabinoid research.
You do not need to register to view this workshop online. Please join us via the livestream link for interesting presentations and dialogue as we consider opportunities and challenges related to this research.

For additional information, contact Dr. Angela Arensdorf of the NCCIH Office of Policy, Planning, and Evaluation at

November 26, 2018
NCCIH Blog Team

Contact with nature—whether outdoors or indoors (e.g., from plants or window views)—is an emerging field of research showing potential to help address some important public-health problems, said Gregory Bratman, Ph.D., in a recent lecture at NIH.

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October 25, 2018
NCCIH Blog Team

In the 2018 Stephen E. Straus Distinguished Lecture, Dr. Tracy Gaudet will address the VA’s new Whole Health System, a new initiative to deliver personalized, proactive, and patient-centered care to U.S. veterans.

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Emmeline Edwards, Ph.D.
October 17, 2018
Emmeline Edwards, Ph.D.

In this blog post, Dr. Emmeline Edwards discusses an NIH/NCCIH research initiative to advance the study of emotional well-being.

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Wendy J. Weber, N.D., Ph.D., M.P.H.
October 15, 2018
Wendy Weber, N.D., Ph.D., M.P.H.

Given our Center’s longstanding interests in funding rigorous research of complementary and integrative health approaches for pain, we are enthusiastic about a potential new translational research initiative that will address the need for effective and personalized therapies for chronic low back pain – the NIH Back Pain Research Consortium (BACPAC)

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Partap S. Khalsa, D.C., Ph.D.
September 24, 2018
Partap S. Khalsa, D.C., Ph.D.

In this blog post, Dr. Partap Khalsa highlights key presentations and concepts to be discussed at the October 5, 2019 meeting of the National Advisory Council for Complementary and Integrative Health.

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This page last modified September 24, 2017