Summary: H.R.3395 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)All Information (Except Text)

There is one summary for H.R.3395. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

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Introduced in House (07/25/2017)

529 Opening Paths To Invest in Our Nation's Students Act or the 529 OPTIONS Act

This bill amends the Internal Revenue Code to allow distributions from qualified tuition programs (known as 529 plans) to be used for certain expenses associated with registered apprenticeship programs.

The bill expands the definition of "qualified higher education expenses" for which tax-free distributions are allowed to include: (1) books, supplies, and equipment required for the enrollment or attendance of a designated beneficiary in an apprenticeship program registered and certified with the Department of Labor; (2) child care at a licensed day care center, and transportation, in connection with such enrollment or attendance; and (3) costs associated with obtaining an industry certification or other credential in connection with an apprenticeship program.