Summary: H.R.6344 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)All Information (Except Text)

There is one summary for H.R.6344. Bill summaries are authored by CRS.

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Introduced in House (07/12/2018)

Land Ownership Collaboration Accelerates Life Act of 2018 or the LOCAL Act of 2018

This bill amends the Endangered Species Act of 1973 to provide statutory authority for programs that provide incentives for property owners of natural resources to agree to contribute towards the recovery or conservation of endangered or threatened species. Specifically, the bill authorizes the Department of the Interior or the Department of Commerce, as appropriate, to enter into: (1) species recovery agreements with property owners who agree to contribute towards the recovery of an endangered or threatened species; and (2) species conservation contract agreements with property owners who agree to contribute towards the conservation of an endangered species, a threatened species, a candidate species, or a species with a comparable designation under state law.

The departments must establish a program under which the departments may enter into habitat reserve agreements with property owners to protect or manage habitat for endangered or threatened species.

The departments: (1) may provide conservation grants to promote the voluntary conservation of endangered species and threatened species by property owners, (2) must provide financial aid to alleviate the costs of complying with the Act, and (3) may provide technical assistance when requested to enhance the conservation effects of the grants or aid.

The bill establishes a Habitat Conservation Planning Loan Program under which the departments may make no-interest loans to assist states and local governments in the development of habitat conservation plans.