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National Security

The most important responsibility of the federal government is to defend the United States and protect the American people. Senator Toomey is therefore committed to ensuring that our armed forces, the intelligence community and homeland security agencies have the resources and tools they need to fulfill their missions.

Senator Toomey supports our strategic missile defense program to protect our country from the threat of a missile attack. He believes we must support our democratic allies around the world and be firm when it comes to dealing with rogue nations such as Iran, making sure we prevent them from acquiring nuclear weapons. He has co-sponsored legislation aimed at preventing Iran from acquiring such weapons and worked relentlessly to oppose the President's dangerous nuclear deal with this country. Senator Toomey also has introduced legislation to ensure judgements sought by victims of Iran's acts of terror are fully paid, and Iran is held accountable for its deadly actions.

Terrorist attacks pose one of the greatest threats to America, and we must remain committed to fighting against those who use terror as a weapon. We cannot afford to stand by while networks of terrorists assemble, plan and act against free and open societies, and we should not hesitate to take action in defense of our freedom and our national security. Violent Islamist extremists have committed horrendous and barbaric acts throughout the globe. These include targeting and killing Americans, beheading civilians, and committing other mass atrocities. The spread of violent Islamist extremism is fueling a refugee crisis, increasing instability and military conflict in the Middle East, and threatening our allies and our national security interests.

With so many global challenges, Senator Toomey believes we must also make sure that American military action is guided first and foremost by the country's national interest. We must balance our commitment to expanding freedom and human rights around the world with our immediate national security interests and the needs of our armed forces. The United States cannot be engaged in every conflict around the globe, and we must be cautious in how and where we choose to use our military might.

As a strong supporter of the reserve component of our armed forces, Senator Toomey is a member of the U.S. Senate National Guard and Reserve Caucuses. He believes that in this time of great national security and fiscal challenges, we must ensure our Reserve Components get the resources they need to fulfill their expanded role in our national defense since 9/11. Our reserves provide a combat proven, cost effective force that can rapidly and effectively augment our regular armed forces abroad as well as respond to natural and manmade disasters at home. Senator Toomey co-sponsored the National Guard Empowerment Act, which was signed into law in 2011 and elevated the chief of the National Guard Bureau to a member of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. In addition, Senator Toomey co-sponsored legislation to reauthorize the successful State Partnership Program, which partners states with allies overseas for training.

Our national security must also include a comprehensive program to address the needs of our nation's service members and veterans and ensure their continued well-being. Among other things, Senator Toomey has supported legislation to protect and increase the pay of service members and to boost funding at the Department of Veterans Affairs so our veterans have improved access to medical care.

Finally, our national security is being threatened by cyber-attacks from other countries, including China. In May of 2014, Senator Toomey sent a letter to the Chinese Ambassador to the U.S. regarding cyber-attacks against business and organizations in the United States. Senator Toomey followed up that letter in September of 2015 and wrote to President Obama urging him to press the Chinese president to stop harmful cyber activities.