
This afternoon, I joined House GOP leadership at the White House to discuss the need to take border security seriously and to keep the government funded. The bottom line is the American people have demanded we stop the flow of illegal drugs, criminals and terrorists across the Southern border. We cannot keep kicking this can down the road. Safe and secure borders should not be a controversial issue. It’s time for Congressional Democrats to come to the table to help provide the safety our communities need, and provide the resources to protect our nation.

American farmers have faced several years of a difficult agriculture economy with depressed crop prices. This bill helps America continue to grow and raise the world’s safest, most abundant food supply. The 2018 Farm Bill maintains the agricultural safety net without adding any net new spending. Additionally, some improvements were made to the SNAP program, including initiatives to assist beneficiaries find work. I was also successful in adding anti-abuse provisions to shorte...n length of time SNAP benefits are frozen for lack of use, and reduces from twelve to nine months the amount of time before unused SNAP benefits are removed from an account. I was also able to include a provision to promote responsible fertilizer application modeled after Ohio’s successful 4R program to protect water quality. This Farm Bill was not perfect, but included conservative reforms while preserving nutrition assistance and insurance support. I am glad to see this strong bipartisan effort pass the House.

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