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The 100th Armistice Day

Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) • November 9, 2018

This year, Veterans Day also marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. As I reflect on this milestone year and all the men and women who have defended our great experiment in self-governance since our founding, I can’t help …

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Two visions for this country

Communications • November 6, 2018

One of the most important duties of leaders is to listen — to hear the stories and concerns of Americans from all backgrounds and walks of life, and then to act. As House Republicans have met with people across this country, it’s clear that policies like tax reform have made a huge difference in so …

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#WhatsAtStake without Republican leadership: Freedom from red tape

Communications • November 6, 2018

Halloween may have come and gone, but honestly, we’re still frightened. Why? Because Democrats are summoning spirits of two years past. Two years ago, our country was in a very different place. Our economy was stagnant, and we were told to accept the sluggish two percent growth as the ‘new normal.’ Thanks to an absurdly …

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#WhatsAtStake without Republican leadership: Community banks

Communications • November 6, 2018

Democrats like to talk about #WhatsAtStake and being #ForThePeople. Want to know what’s at stake? A booming economy, safer communities, and a strong military. When everyday Americans look at their bigger paychecks or the “now hiring” signs in their hometowns, they have Republicans to thank for that. What Americans do have Democrats to thank for …

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#WhatsAtStake without Republican leadership: Community investments

Communications • November 6, 2018

Democrats like to talk about #WhatsAtStake and being #ForThePeople. Want to know what’s at stake? A booming economy, safer communities, and a strong military. When everyday Americans look at their bigger paychecks or the “now hiring” signs in their hometowns, they have only one party to thank for that. Spoiler: it isn’t the Democrats. No, …

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#WhatsAtStake without Republican leadership: Jobs

Communications • November 6, 2018

Democrats like to talk about #WhatsAtStake and being #ForThePeople. Want to know what’s at stake? A booming economy, safer communities, and a strong military. When everyday Americans look at their bigger paychecks or the “now hiring” signs in their hometowns, they have only one party to thank for that. Spoiler: it isn’t the Democrats. No, …

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#WhatsAtStake without Republican leadership: Your bigger paycheck

Communications • November 6, 2018

Democrats like to talk about #WhatsAtStake and being #ForThePeople. Want to know what’s at stake? A booming economy, safer communities, and a strong military. When everyday Americans look at their bigger paychecks or the “now hiring” signs in their hometowns, they have only one party to thank for that. Spoiler: it isn’t the Democrats. No, …

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#WhatsAtStake without Republican leadership: Family businesses

Communications • November 6, 2018

Democrats like to talk about #WhatsAtStake and being #ForThePeople. Want to know what’s at stake? A booming economy, safer communities, and a strong military. When everyday Americans look at their bigger paychecks or the “now hiring” signs in their hometowns, they have only one party to thank for that. Spoiler: it isn’t the Democrats. No, …

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These bills are now law

Communications • November 5, 2018

We’ve all heard it – “Congress doesn’t do anything.” The day to day business of the U.S. House of Representatives isn’t always the flashiest of headlines, so we can’t blame everyday Americans for not knowing every bill and every vote. The truth is, House Republicans have been hard at work delivering on the American people’s …

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Halloween Frights: #WhatsAtStake without Republican leadership

Communications • October 31, 2018

Historic low unemployment. Confidence at an 18-year high. A manufacturing boom. Utility rates decreased in all 50 states. Wages and salaries jumped by 3.1% to the highest level in a decade. We’ve got a lot to celebrate. But what’s scaring us this Halloween is Democrat promises to take all of this away. If given the …

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