
Member Spotlight

Rep. Bradley Byrne at Stakeout: Our towns are not dying, they’re thriving

Communications • September 5, 2018

Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-AL) joined this morning’s House Republican Leadership press conference to highlight what he heard from Alabamians while at home. In August, Rep. Byrne went on a Better Off Now tour in his district. This tour included several town halls and meetings with families, workers, small business owners, and local leaders in each …

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McMorris Rodgers: Hope and optimism have returned

Communications • September 5, 2018

House Republican Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) led this morning’s House Republican Leadership press conference to highlight her time at home in Eastern Washington and to discuss some of the many ways the American people are Better Off Now than they were two years ago. Thanks to Republican policies, America is stronger at home …

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McMorris Rodgers on Fox News Radio: We are getting results

COMMUNICATIONS • September 4, 2018

On Fox News Radio’s Brian Kilmeade Show this morning, House Republican Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers encouraged Americans to visit to get the facts on how our pro-growth policies are improving people’s lives. She shared that people in Eastern Washington and across the country are Better Off Now and hopeful again because the economy …

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House Republicans Honor the Late Senator John McCain

COMMUNICATIONS • August 31, 2018

CLICK HERE or above to watch the U.S. Capitol service honoring the life and legacy of Sen. John Sidney McCain III House Republicans this week joined a grateful nation in honoring the late Senator John McCain (R-AZ). On Friday, August 31, 2018, Sen. McCain received the rare honor of lying in state in the U.S. …

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4 Ways House Republicans are Making Communities Safer for our Kids

COMMUNICATIONS • August 24, 2018

Summer is coming to a close, and the school year is about to begin. As families prepare for the first day of school, here are 4 things Republicans have done to help make sure our schools and communities are safer for our children. To learn more, visit #1 House Republicans have acted to strengthen …

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10 things that happened last week

Olivia Hnat • August 20, 2018

As House GOP Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers wrote in the Washington Examiner last month, America’s service members, farmers, community bankers, small business owners, and everyone in between are Better Off Now thanks to Republican policies that are improving people’s lives. House Republicans kept their promises in the Better Way Agenda to grow the economy, make …

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House Republicans: How our heroes are Better Off Now

Communications • August 16, 2018

This week, the FY19 NDAA became law. As we move one step closer to rebuilding our military after years of neglect, we are reminded of our responsibility to those who serve. Our men and women in uniform accept the call of duty and sacrifice for the freedoms our great nation enjoys today. The best way …

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NOW LAW: FY19 National Defense Authorization Act

Communications • August 13, 2018

Today, President Trump signed into law the FY19 National Defense Authorization Act, a bill that continues our work to reverse the damage of the last decade and reassert the dominance of the American military. This NDAA is the earliest bill of its kind since 1977. It also means that our troops just got the largest …

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10 things that happened last week

Communications • August 13, 2018

House Republicans continue to make stops across their communities, listening to constituents and discussing how Americans are Better Off Now (learn more at Our representatives are making the most of their time at home by meeting with everyone from public safety officers to veterans to farmers to job seekers. Here’s a closer look at …

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McMorris Rodgers Op-ed Online for Newsmax: What we can learn from Venezuela

Olivia Hnat • August 8, 2018

In an op-ed online for, House Republican Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) writes that Venezuela is in crisis and harming people like Tito*, a Venezuelan student studying in her district at Washington State University.  The Chair first shared Tito’s story on the House floor following Captive Nations Week in July. In her new …

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