
A Better Way

A Better Way to Make Unadoptable Unacceptable

Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) • November 19, 2016

Family is the best part of life. Every day with my husband, Brian, and our three children, Cole, Grace, and Brynn, is a blessing. As a parent, you want the best for your children – the right education, healthy food, and a strong moral foundation. You want to launch them successfully into adulthood, and, most …

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The American People Deserve A Better Way

Communications • November 8, 2016

As Speaker Ryan often says, “our job in these jobs is to look at the problems facing America, and offer solutions.” This video features a closer look at how our Better Way agenda makes a difference everywhere from California to Florida, from rural North Carolina to Northern Texas. Last year, we came together as Republicans …

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ICYMI: Rep. Doug Lamborn – There must be a ‘Better Way’

COMMUNICATIONS • November 7, 2016

Lamborn: There must be a ‘Better Way’ Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO) Colorado Springs Business Journal September 30, 2016 VIEW ONLINE | Too often in American politics, solutions don’t seem to receive as much attention as complaints. This year, Republicans from the House of Representatives are using our “Better Way” policy platform in an attempt to elevate …

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As Obamacare Fails, House Republicans Offer A Better Way

COMMUNICATIONS • November 3, 2016

It’s clear that Obamacare is failing and we need a better way. Luckily, we have one. Having heard your frustrations, House Republicans spent the last several months taking our Better Way agenda to every corner of the country. A cornerstone of this agenda is our bold new ideas on health care—ideas that offer more choices, …

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A Better Way to Put Patients First

Rep. Michael Burgess, M.D. (R-TX) • November 2, 2016

Over the nearly three decades that I practiced medicine in North Texas, I witnessed, time and again, the frustration and disappointment of my patients and my colleagues  as overreaching federal government interfered with our daily work. I knew that Washington, D.C. didn’t understand my patients or my practice. Fast forward to today and a staggering …

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The ACA is a Disaster. We’re Offering a Better Way.

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) • November 2, 2016

“Be careful what you wish for” could be directed towards those who pushed aggressively for the passage of the Affordable Care Act. Even though the failings of the law are now apparent, the administration continues to peddle untrue promises to the American public with false hopes such as: “If you like your doctor, you can …

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House GOP’s Better Way Features Health Care Solutions to Help Families Across the Country

Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) • October 31, 2016

In 2009, the American people were promised a new health care system: one that would give patients a one-stop shop to choose a plan that would be affordable. At the time, the president said, “You will have your choice of a number of plans that offer a few different packages, but every plan would offer …

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A Better Way to Fight Poverty: Solutions, not Band-Aids

Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA) • October 28, 2016

Forty-three million. That’s the number of Americans living in poverty. To put the enormity of this number in perspective, it is equal to the population of our nation’s largest urban area – New York City – multiplied by five. Tragically, the fate of these 43 million Americans and the fate of their children and their …

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House Republicans are Fighting for A Better Way to Lift People Out of Poverty

COMMUNICATIONS • October 27, 2016

With our Better Way agenda, House Republicans are rethinking the way our country approaches poverty and building on what works. Our Better Way to Fight Poverty presents more than forty solutions to lift people out of poverty — and help keep them out. Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) has been instrumental in developing these efforts and …

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Rep. Gregg Harper (R-MS): A Better Way Helps Everyone Pursue the American Dream

Rep. Gregg Harper (R-MS) • October 27, 2016

October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month. As the parent of a son, 27-year-old Livingston, who has an intellectual disability known as Fragile X syndrome, I have by necessity and choice become an avid advocate for inclusion of people with disabilities in the American workforce. One of my first efforts after beginning service in the …

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