

These bills are now law

Communications • November 5, 2018

We’ve all heard it – “Congress doesn’t do anything.” The day to day business of the U.S. House of Representatives isn’t always the flashiest of headlines, so we can’t blame everyday Americans for not knowing every bill and every vote. The truth is, House Republicans have been hard at work delivering on the American people’s …

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10 things that happened last week

Communications • October 29, 2018

A Note from House Republican Conference Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA): Each week, we highlight stories from home as House Republicans meet with people from all backgrounds and walks of life. As we’ve said before, it’s these meetings and the stories we hear during them that inspire policies like tax reform and historic opioid legislation. …

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10 Things That Happened Last Week

Communications • October 22, 2018

It’s a new week with new opportunities to hear from people at home. House Republicans continue to travel throughout their districts meeting with people from all backgrounds and walks of life. It’s about listening, taking action, and being someone your community can count on. It’s about being present during the important, challenging, and beautiful moments …

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Tax reform’s impact on the disability community

Communications • October 16, 2018

Remember this nonsense? It’s one of the many misleading headlines that defenders of the status quo used in an attempt to defeat the tax cuts Republicans ultimately delivered for the American people in the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. It contains  several *gems* like these: “[Disabled people are] a group at a disadvantage that’s been …

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Chair Kay Granger (R-TX) at Stakeout: This is how we support the military

Communications • September 26, 2018

Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Chair Kay Granger (R-TX) joined this morning’s House Republican Leadership press conference to highlight how our military is stronger and Better Off Now. Thanks to Republican policies, we are rebuilding our military and ensuring that our troops have the resources they need to be effective. For the first time in a decade, …

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On Fox News: Chair McMorris Rodgers talks economy, Kavanaugh, and UNGA

Communications • September 25, 2018

Thank you, @BillHemmer and @SandraSmithFox for having me on @AmericaNewsroom. America’s economy is booming. As a result we are stronger at home & abroad. #BetterOffNow. — CathyMcMorrisRodgers (@cathymcmorris) September 25, 2018 Following President Trump’s remarks at the United Nations General Assembly, House Republican Conference Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) joined Sandra Smith on Fox News’s …

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Why Tax Reform 2.0 Matters

Communications • September 24, 2018

This week the House continues our work on tax reform with Tax Reform 2.0, which means protecting middle-class and small business tax cuts, promoting family savings, and advancing the next generation of entrepreneurs Why does this matter? Because the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act is making a real difference in the lives of middle-class families …

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Democrats consider this the end of the world?

Communications • September 20, 2018

We promised more jobs, fairer taxes, and bigger paychecks. And we delivered on that promise. House Republicans are hearing from workers, families, and small business owners and hearing the same story over and over again: We’re Better Off Now. Despite all the good news and all the happy Americans, Democrats still aren’t convinced. In fact, …

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Stories from Home: How Americans are Better Off Now

Communications • September 13, 2018

House Republicans criss-crossed their districts this summer, meeting with and listening to people from all walks of life. One thing that farmers, small business owners, families, and local leaders all had in common: a renewed sense of confidence, optimism, and hope. Thanks to Republican policies, our economy is booming, our communities are safer, and our …

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#BetterOffNow: What House Republicans heard at home

Communications • September 5, 2018

In August, House Republicans criss-crossed their districts to meet with the families, workers, small business owners, farmers, and local leaders they represent. This time at home is invaluable. After all, it’s the stories and feedback at these meetings that inspire the work we do here in the People’s House. Thanks to Republican policies, our economy …

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