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Congresswoman Betty McCollum

Representing the 4th District of Minnesota

Economy & Jobs

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March 28, 2018 Press Release
“The sunny vision of the Trump administration that Vice President Mike Pence told Minnesotans today is completely at odds with the stormy reality."
March 22, 2018 Press Release
“The Omnibus Appropriations Act is a significant victory for Minnesotans and Americans."
March 22, 2018 Press Release
"By investing in critical priorities like education, election integrity, housing, infrastructure, public safety, opioid abuse prevention and treatment, and veterans’ health care, this legislation keeps Minnesota and our entire country safe, strong, and moving forward."
March 9, 2018 Page
Congresswoman Betty McCollum (DFL-Minn), a senior member of the House Appropriations Committee, heard testimony from Minnesota community and nonprofit leaders about their budget and appropriations priorities at a public meeting in the Minnesota State Senate Office Building on Friday, March 9, 2018.
March 9, 2018 Press Release
"Making smart investments in our families, communities, and security will pay far bigger returns than making dumb cuts that result in pain, divestment, and lost opportunities. Together, we can make critical investments that help every Minnesotan and American contribute and succeed."
February 15, 2018 Press Release
"Once again, President Trump is putting polluters and their profits first and putting the health of American families last. Our air, our water, and our lands should never be a partisan issue. Congress must reject this Dirty Budget and infrastructure scam and work to protect our environment not destroy it."
February 12, 2018 Press Release
“The Trump administration’s infrastructure proposal is wholly inadequate to the task of rebuilding and modernizing our crumbling roads, bridges, waterways, and energy systems."
December 14, 2017 Press Release
Congresswoman Betty McCollum (DFL-Minn.) today condemned the Federal Communication Commission’s decision to repeal net neutrality rules and announced her intention to co-sponsor new legislation to overturn the FCC’s decision.
November 16, 2017 Press Release
“The Trump-GOP tax scam singles out Minnesotans for higher taxes by ending the state and local tax deduction, punishes people with high medical bills by eliminating the medical expense deduction, and even makes it harder for students and families to pay for college. This bill will explode the federal debt, guaranteeing that Republicans will move forward with cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and eventually Social Security."
October 12, 2017 Press Release
Congresswoman Betty McCollum (DFL-Minn.) joined House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Ways and Means Committee Ranking Member Richard Neal, and other House Democrats at a press conference highlighting the disastrous effects of the Ryan-McConnell plan to end the state and local tax deduction, raising taxes on middle class families in Minnesota and across America.
