U.S. Congressman LOUIE GOHMERT: Proudly Serving the First District of Texas


Press Releases

Gohmert Responds To George Soros Comments on Fox Business “Varney & Co”

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Washington, December 6, 2018 | comments
Congressman Louie Gohmert (TX-01) released the following statement today regarding his comments on George Soros on The Fox Business Network’s, “Varney & Co:” 

“Soros himself admitted in a 60 Minutes interview with Steve Kroft on December 20, 1998 that he had no regrets whatsoever about assisting the Nazis in confiscating property from the Jewish people during the Holocaust. That is a fact. Any person with any sense of empathy for their fellow human beings would regret the part they played in confiscating Jewish property during the Holocaust. My remarks were not anti-Semitic. Even the Israeli government has condemned Soros. They were about the horror of his lack of remorse over his actions. It was a pro-Jewish statement on my part and supportive of the statement that the Israeli government made last year that anti-Soros statements are not anti-Semitic because George Soros ‘continuously undermines Israel’s democratically elected governments by funding organizations that defame the Jewish state and seek to deny it the right to defend itself.’”


George Soros Interview 60 Minutes [FULL]

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QSyczwuTQfo  (8:33)

Israeli Government Press Release [July 9, 2017]

In no way was the statement meant to delegitimize criticism of George Soros, who continuously undermines Israel’s democratically elected governments by funding organizations that defame the Jewish state and seek to deny it the right to defend itself.

Link: http://mfa.gov.il/MFA/PressRoom/2017/Pages/Foreign-Ministry-clarification-regarding-anti-Semitism-in-Hungary-9-July-2017.aspx

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