Congressman Paul Cook

Representing the 8th District of California
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Jul 26, 2017 Press Release

WASHINGTON-   Rep. Paul Cook (R-Apple Valley) today announced that his bill H.R. 3279, the Helium Extraction Act of 2017, unanimously passed out of the House Natural Resources Committee. The bill amends the Mineral Leasing Act to allow helium extraction from gas on federal lands under the same terms as gas and oil.

Oct 9, 2015 Press Release

WASHINGTON- Today, Rep. Paul Cook (R-Apple Valley) voted for HR 702, a bill that would lift the ban on crude oil exports and help promote both national and energy security. This bill passed the House with bipartisan support.

Jul 16, 2015 Press Release

WASHINGTON- Today, Rep. Paul Cook (R- Apple Valley) voted for HR 2898, the Western Water and American Food Security Act. This bill is designed to mitigate California’s drought by immediately increasing the available water supply and streamlining the federal approval processes to build and improve aging infrastructure. Cook was an original cosponsor of this bill.

Jun 12, 2015 Press Release

WASHINGTON –Rep. Paul Cook (R- Apple Valley) applauded yesterday’s passage of his bill, HR 1992, the American Soda Ash Competitiveness Act out of the House Committee on Natural Resources. The bill passed with bipartisan support.

May 1, 2015 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Today, Rep. Paul Cook (R-Apple Valley) voted for H.R. 2028, the 2016 Energy and Water funding bill. Included in this bill were two provisions offering relief from the worst California drought in a century.

Apr 29, 2015 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Today, Rep. Paul Cook (R- Apple Valley) voted for HR 373, the Good Samaritan Search and Recovery Act. This bipartisan bill will prevent bureaucratic roadblocks that prevent trained and experienced search and recovery groups from volunteering their time and resources to help locate missing individuals on federal lands.

Apr 23, 2015 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Today, Rep. Paul Cook (R- Apple Valley) introduced HR 1992, the American Soda Ash Competitiveness Act. Soda ash, or Sodium Carbonate, is used to manufacture glass and produce chemicals, detergents, paper, and other products. This bill would set the royalties collected on soda ash at a two percent rate for five years.

Mar 10, 2015 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Rep. Paul Cook (R- Apple Valley) today praised the decision by agency officials responsible for developing the California Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan (DRECP) to make significant changes to the plan. Last month, Rep. Cook sent a letter to U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary Sally Jewell requesting modifications to the DRECP after serious concerns were raised by residents and local government officials in his district.

Feb 11, 2015 Press Release

WASHINGTON – Rep. Paul Cook (R- Apple Valley) voted for the Keystone XL Pipeline Act, sending the jobs bill to President Obama’s desk for his approval.

After six years of delays by the administration and Senate Democrats, Congress will send this important jobs and infrastructure project to the president’s desk. His approval of the Keystone XL pipeline will support approximately 42,000 jobs by immediately authorizing the project.

Nov 20, 2014 Press Release

WASHINGTON- Today, Rep. Paul Cook (R-Apple Valley) voted in favor of H.R. 4795, the Promoting New Manufacturing Act. This bill helps businesses comply with new or revised air quality standards from the EPA and will reduce delays in the preconstruction permitting process for new factories and expansion projects.