Rep. Jared HuffmanVerified account


Congressman for California's North Coast. On Facebook at . Listen to my brand new podcast at

California's North Coast
Joined January 2013


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  1. Dec 21

    Since doesn’t understand a basic cost/benefit analysis – allow me to explain: you say your pointless wall will cost taxpayers $5B. In 2013, the 16-day GOP shutdown cost $24B. Time to end your tantrum & act in the best interest of Americans.

  2. Retweeted
    Dec 21

    Supporting the Iranian people means making sure that sanctions do not block them from affordable food and medicine. Thank you to and House Democrats for organizing this necessary letter:

  3. Dec 21

    Last week, Pres. Trump bragged that he would be proud to shut down the govt & has refused to budge. A means real pain for working families – but to the President, a pointless $5B taxpayer-paid wall is more important ➡️

  4. Dec 20

    Moments ago, House Democrats offered a resolution to fund the remainder of the govt & gave Republicans the opportunity to avoid a - and not one of them voted yes. Let's be clear: voted to keep our govt open, voted to shut it down.

  5. Retweeted

    As Trump throws a temper tantrum over his , a would force 420,000 federal employees to work without pay & another 400,000 employees to be furloughed-right before the holidays. He may not live paycheck-to-paycheck, but that's the reality for others.

  6. Dec 20

    Attention CA-02 – you now have a few extra days to sign up for health care coverage that begins on Jan 1. The new deadline is Dec. 21 – be sure to take the time to shop, compare, & sign up for the plan that suits your needs. Learn more & today

  7. Retweeted
    Dec 20

    Two Central Valley Republicans leave Congress, will lead a minority party & will likely take over House water-policy subcommittee: “It does seem like a pretty dramatic change in the congressional landscape,” said 's Doug Obegi

  8. Dec 18

    Californians now have an extra week to shop, compare, & sign up for health care coverage beginning on Jan 1. Start the new year off on the right foot by securing coverage that works for you. Sign up by Dec. 21. Learn more & ➡️

  9. Retweeted
    Dec 17

    A pleasure to meet today: the sole openly humanist member of the US Congress. We discussed the work of the Parliamentary Humanist Group, 55 years old this year. He founded the new Freethought Caucus in Congress - may it thrive and grow and live until 55 and longer!

  10. Dec 17

    North Coast – you now have until Friday, Dec. 21 to enroll in health care coverage that begins on Jan. 1. Take advantage of this extension to secure your health care for 2019. Learn more and ➡️

  11. Dec 14

    Glad to see the long overdue CAA Reform Act pass by unanimous consent. This bill will hold Members of Congress personally accountable for sexual harassment & retaliation. Congratulations , , , on achieving something great

  12. Dec 11

    Which is more Presidential, a temper tantrum or a negotiation with Congress to keep federal services running and to avoid a needless shutdown? Guess which one chose today...

  13. Retweeted
    Dec 11

    . will continue to and promises to introduce legislation in the new Democratic-controlled House of Representives to Refuge from Trump and the GOP’s attacks. Thank you, Congressman! – At U.S. Capitol - House of Representatives

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  14. Retweeted
    Dec 11

    “We need to push back to protect these valuable landscapes and resources that are under constant attack,” , always a champ for the and . Thank you for standing up to !

  15. Dec 11

    Working to close the loophole allowing members of Congress to keep guns in their offices & carry them around the Capitol complex, bypassing Capitol Police security. Read more ➡️

  16. Retweeted
    Dec 6

    The Northwest California Wilderness, Recreation and Working Forest Act will help protect salmon, steelhead and . Thank you and for bringing this bill before the and the .

  17. Retweeted

    We appreciate the leadership of and in introducing legislation to in Northwest California! Proposal would improve recreation opportunities, restore forests:

  18. Retweeted
    Dec 6
  19. Dec 5

    Special thank you to my friend for introducing our Northwest CA Wilderness, Recreation, & Working Forests Act in the Senate! Our bill would protect and restore some of CA’s precious public lands for future generations.

  20. Retweeted
    Dec 3

    .'s climate denial is no laughing matter. Our latest Watchdog entry investigates how his timber industry support & unwillingness to confront put Americans at risk when it comes to , the environment & public health.


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