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Congressman Tom Cole

Representing the 4th District of Oklahoma

Weekly Columns

December 17, 2018 Weekly Columns

As Congress continues to finish its work this year, I am encouraged that lawmakers in both chambers recently finalized and approved legislation that is vital to the success of our nation’s farmers and ranchers.

December 7, 2018 Weekly Columns
George H. W. Bush led an extraordinary life defined by personal decency and public service. Perhaps the greatest member of America’s “Greatest Generation,” he began his service as a Navy combat pilot in the South Pacific during World War II. Later as our 41st president, he led our country to final victory in the Cold War, won the Gulf War and departed office leaving America as the world’s only unchallenged superpower.
December 3, 2018 Weekly Columns

While much has been accomplished this year, there are still several items left to complete. As the current Congress concludes, lawmakers must come together to finish the remaining work.

November 27, 2018 Weekly Columns

Over the weekend, communities across the country had the opportunity to participate in Small Business Saturday. While this annual shop local event encourages Americans to get out and show support for small businesses in their neighborhoods, it also serves as a reminder that a thriving economy is driven by our Main Street job creators.

November 25, 2018 Weekly Columns
Like many others across the country, my family knows the toll that Alzheimer's disease takes on those living with it and those caring for them. Marked at first by forgetfulness, the disease at its worst eventually causes personalities to disappear and erases recognition of people and life's events from memory.
November 16, 2018 Weekly Columns

Existing throughout the fabric of our society are the unmistakable threads of Native American heritage. In Oklahoma, those threads are numerous and vibrant indeed.

November 9, 2018 Weekly Columns

Throughout our history, hundreds of thousands of brave men and women have answered the call to serve in the United States military. For those who volunteer, this choice comes at a cost unlike any other. But it is because of their willing service and sacrifice on our behalf that we get to enjoy the benefits of living in a safe and secure nation.

November 2, 2018 Weekly Columns

In too many communities across the nation, opioid addiction has destroyed and claimed lives, causing unexpected grief and loss for families. Without question, opioid abuse is a very real and rampant health crisis and one that is impacting individuals from all walks of life.

October 26, 2018 Weekly Columns

Following the recently ended fiscal year, it was reported that the federal government’s budget deficit increased significantly compared to the previous year. While this is certainly discouraging news, the existence of a deficit is not surprising or unusual. Critics are of course quick to blame the implementation of tax reform as the chief contributor to the recent deficit.

October 15, 2018 Weekly Columns

Since the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was passed by Congress and signed into law by the president, the country has undoubtedly been better off as a result. Wages are steadily on the rise, unemployment has reached its lowest level in nearly 50 years, jobs are being created and the economy is booming.

