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Congressman James Comer

Representing the 1st District of Kentucky

Congressman Comer finishes successful town hall tour during April recess

April 21, 2017
Press Release

TOMPKINSVILLE, Ky. – Congressman James Comer just finished his 12th town hall so far this year in 12 different counties on Wednesday.

The most recent tour included events from April 10ththrough April 19th. While Congress is in recess, Rep. Comer made it a priority to talk with people from all over the district.

“It’s my job to show up at town hall forums to listen to the questions and concerns of my constituents. We may not agree on every issue, but there are many where we can find common ground to work for the greater good,” said Congressman Comer.

The April stretch featured stops from Taylor County to Carlisle County with many in between. The Congressman has now hosted town halls in Casey, McCracken, Christian, Webster, Trigg, Union, Hopkins, Simpson, Taylor, Carlisle, Lyon and Ohio Counties.

“Many people have showed up at each town hall and asked great questions to get my stance on issues and help me better understand other legislative topics. It all helps me understand what the people of the first district want me to do for them in Washington,” Rep. Comer added.

Congressman Comer will host more town hall events coming up in May, and plans to have a town hall in all 35 of his district counties in the first year.