Congressman Jim Langevin
22 hours ago

Last week, President Trump said he was happy to shut the government down. Tonight, House Republicans are doubling down on this irresponsible course of action. As frustrating as funding the government with stopgap measures can be, Senators at least came together in a bipartisan manner last night to keep the government open for seven more weeks. This wall funding bill is purely partisan, wholly unnecessary, and dead on arrival.

It is past time for the Republicans in control of ...both houses of Congress and the presidency to govern responsibly. Sadly, one of Speaker Ryan’s last official acts will be once again caving to the far right wing of his party and pushing government funding to the brink. I can only hope he sees reason and brings the Senate-passed bill up for a vote in the House where it will pass overwhelmingly. If not, President Trump will get the shutdown he wants, and the American people will suffer for it.

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The bill includes more than $5 billion for Trump's border wall, and it likely will not pass the Senate.
Congressman Jim Langevin
on Thursday

Godspeed, Secretary Mattis. A grateful nation is in your debt.…/langevin-commends-secretary-ma…

Congressman Jim Langevin
on Thursday

I’m proud this bill to memorialize the selfless and courageous service of Captain Matthew August has become law. This lasting tribute will ensure his legacy is always remembered by future generations.
President Donald Trump has signed into law a bill to rename a post office in Saunderstown after U.S. Army Capt. Matthew J. August, who was killed in Iraq
Congressman Jim Langevin
on Wednesday

President Trump’s announcement paints a picture of a chaotic Administration lacking a foreign policy strategy. This reckless decision shows a disregard for our nation’s military and intelligence leaders, many of whom have expressed deep concerns over sudden U.S. disengagement in the region.

U.S. foreign policy should not be decided on a whim. The American people are entitled to a well-thought-out Syrian policy that advances our interests, respects our allies, and promotes peace throughout the region. Unfortunately, the course the President seems to be embarking on will only come as welcome news to the Assad regime, ISIS, Russia, and Iran as they will surely seek to capitalize on any premature American departure from the region.
Seated at the head of his Situation Room conference table, President Donald Trump was adamant: American troops must come home from Syria. He had just announced as much to a crowd in Ohio. The assembled military and national security advisers told him the move was rash and unwise. So he gave them six...
Congressman Jim Langevin
on Wednesday

It was a pleasure to catch up with my former intern Joseph Korzeb, who is now serving as a U.S. Navy Ensign. Thank you for your service!

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