Six Big Ideas from our Better Way Agenda

Jul 15, 2016 | COMMUNICATIONS •

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An Equal Shot at the American Dream. Our plan empowers people to get up and OUT of poverty, not “help” them stay stuck where they started. Read more…

Protect Our Way of Life. Our top priority is to define and destroy the threats facing America. We propose a realistic and actionable plan to keep us safe and free. Read more…

End the Bailouts. The free market must decide the winners and losers, not the government. Bankers don’t need your tax dollars. Read more…

President or King? Our President has been acting more like a monarch than an elected official. That stops now.  Our plan limits his power. Read more…

Starting Over With Obamacare (a.k.a. getting rid of it). We’re putting forward a plan that lets you keep your health care if you like it, with freedom to change it if you don’t. Read more…

File Your Taxes on a Postcard. Wouldn’t it be nice if you could do your taxes on something the size of a postcard? With our plan, you can. Check it out.