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Congresswoman Grace Meng

Representing the 6th District of New York

Meng Secures Funds for Asian Pacific American Center

May 3, 2017
Press Release
Congresswoman also champions funding for numerous other programs
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Rep. Grace Meng (D-Queens) announced today, during Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, that she has obtained more than a quarter-million dollars for the Smithsonian’s Asian Pacific American Center (APAC).
Meng secured the funds in the Omnibus spending bill, the legislation that funds the government through the end of September. The measure passed the House this afternoon and is expected to be approved by the Senate and signed into law by the President. The Congresswoman, who is a member of the House Appropriations Committee, hailed the bill as a great bipartisan product.
Established in 1997, APAC is part of the Smithsonian in Washington, D.C., the world’s largest museum and research complex that consists of 19 museums and galleries. APAC works to increase the public’s appreciation for the heritage and history of Asian Pacific Americans, and strives to empower Asian Pacific American communities by increasing their sense of inclusion within America’s national culture. The facility accomplishes these goals through exhibitions, programs, and research.
The money that Meng secured for APAC, a $300,000 increase in its budget, will help pay the salaries and benefits for an associate program director, curator for Asian Pacific studies, and an education coordinator; positions that are presently vacant due to limited funds. The money will also enable APAC to host events in cities across the country.
“I am pleased to have secured this important funding for the Asian Pacific American Center,” said Meng. “This money will further enhance the facility and make it a better experience for all who visit. It will also ensure that APEC becomes an even louder voice in promoting the public’s appreciation and awareness of Asian Pacific American heritage. I thank my colleagues who voted for the legislation.”  
The Omnibus bill also permanently extends retired health benefits for miners, provides $2 billion to the National Institutes of Health, and reinstates year-round Pell grants. It provides no funding for President Trump’s border wall with Mexico and does not cut funding to Planned Parenthood or sanctuary cities.
In addition, the Appropriations Committee allocated the following funding amounts for programs that Meng personally championed (list is not exhaustive):
Girls in the Justice System (DOJ – Office of Justice Programs, Juvenile Justice Programs) – $2 million (H.R 5393, the “Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017” sought to eliminate this program)
Tribal Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction Program (DOJ – Office on Violence Against Women) – $4 million (an increase of $1.5 million above the fiscal year 2016 level)
Children of Incarcerated Parents Demonstrations – $5 million (H.R 5393, the “Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017” sought to eliminate these demonstrations)
Bangladesh Labor Condition Improvement – $3 million (funding for this account did not appear in H.R. 5912, the “Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2017”)
Special Envoy for Holocaust Issues – $568,000 (funding for this specific special envoy did not appear in H.R. 5912, the “Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2017”)
Unexploded Ordnance Removal Assistance for Laos – $30 million (funding for this account did not appear in H.R. 5912, the “Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2017”)
Indian Health Services – Domestic Violence Prevention Program – $4 million (an increase of $1.5 million above the fiscal year 2016 level)
Holocaust Memorial Museum – $57 million (an increase of $3 million above the fiscal year 2016 level)