• Clean Energy

    As a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and Co-Chair of the House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition (SEEC), Congresswoman Matsui has made it a top priority to bring clean energy technology to Sacramento and transform the ci...

  • Economy & Jobs

    Each day that Congresswoman Matsui serves as Sacramento’s Representative, she is working to push the economy forward for American families. The Congresswoman has championed making targeted investments in areas that will grow the economy and create hi...

  • Education

    Universal access to quality education is one of Congresswoman Matsui’s top priorities in Congress. She believes we need to improve our education system from Pre-K through college, both in Sacramento and nationwide. Congresswoman Matsui supported a bi...

  • Environment

    Enacting policies that assist in our ongoing efforts to reverse the effects of a changing climate, while protecting our air, water, lands, oceans, and wildlife remains a priority of the Congresswoman’s. Throughout America’s history, we have often bee...

  • Flood Protection

    The cities of Sacramento and West Sacramento face a constant threat of flooding because of their position near the confluence of two major rivers. With the major floods of 1986 and 1997, the Sacramento region experienced firsthand two close calls tha...

  • Gun Violence

    More than 30,000 lives are claimed by gun violence in the United States every year. The Congresswoman believes it is past time that we take action together to prevent gun violence from taking the life of more victims. Congresswoman Matsui has advocat...

  • Healthcare

    Congresswoman Matsui has been a leader in Congress on a broad range of healthcare issues, from passing the Affordable Care Act, to reforming mental health care, to ensuring that medical research and the delivery system provide Americans with 21st Cen...

  • Immigration

    Immigrants have made important contributions throughout our nation’s history, and the Congresswoman is supportive of programs that ensure they are able to continue to live the American dream for generations to come. Specifically, she is supportive of...

  • Innovation

    Congresswoman Matsui believes that there are enormous opportunities in Sacramento to spur the innovation economy. She has supported policies that ensure multiple sectors of our economy – from health care, to clean energy, to technology – are prosperi...

  • Seniors

    As co-chair of the Democratic Caucus Congressional Task Force on Seniors in the House of Representatives, Congresswoman Matsui has consistently supported policies that are important to seniors in Sacramento, such as protecting and strengthening Socia...

  • Technology

    As Co-Chair of the High Tech Caucus and a member of the Energy & Commerce Communications & Technology Subcommittee, Congresswoman Matsui is working to address the pressing tech issues of today and tomorrow while increasing the accessibility and affor...

  • Transportation

    By safely linking neighborhoods through investments in our region’s transportation infrastructure, we connect all of our residents to jobs, promote a sense of community, and ensure that no one is left behind as Sacramento continues to grow. In addres...

  • Veterans

    We have a duty to the men and women who have bravely put their lives on the line to defend our country, and we must ensure that we provide them with the assistance they need and deserve as they return home. As our troops return home, it is essential ...

  • Women's Issues

    Congresswoman Matsui is committed to protecting women’s rights and advancing an economic agenda that supports women and families. Bipartisan Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues During the 114th Congress, Congresswoman Matsui was elected by her pe...

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