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Congressman Lloyd Smucker

Representing the 16th District of Pennsylvania



Promoting Real Opportunity, Success, and Prosperity through Education Act

The Promise of Postsecondary Education is Broken

Americans have invested billions of dollars and countless hours of hard work into higher education in an effort to earn a better job and live a fulfilling life. Unfortunately, today's chaotic maze of federal aid programs, requirements, and red tape has driven up college costs and made pursuing and finishing a postsecondary education unworkable for far too many individuals. We are failing the next generation at a time when more businesses are demanding their employees attain postsecondary credentials to fill technical, high-skill, good-paying jobs. Americans deserve a better postsecondary education system that works for them.

The Committee on Education and the Workforce's Higher Education Act reforms support students in completing an affordable postsecondary education that will prepare them to enter the workforce with the skills they need for lifelong success.

Our commonsense proposal will transform the college marketplace by promoting innovation, access, and completion; simplifying and improving student aid; empowering students and families to make informed decisions; and ensuring strong accountability and a limited federal role.
