Congressman Chris Stewart

Representing the 2nd District of Utah
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Chris Stewart Energy EnviornmentEnergy independence is vital to national security. In order to become less dependent on foreign energy, we must be able to pursue responsible development within our own borders. Maintaining a diverse energy portfolio will protect our current and future interests, while creating jobs at home.

I support the responsible development of oil, natural gas, clean coal, and a variety economically viable renewable energy options. We are fortunate to live in a district full of scenic and natural resources. Multiple use land policies enable their responsible use, while protecting their integrity. I am committed to protecting environmental integrity while also supporting energy development to bring in needed revenue, jobs, and overall security.

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More on Energy

Jun 14, 2018 Press Release

Washington, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced that the University of Utah site, located in Milford, Utah, will receive up to $140 million in continued funding over the next five years for geothermal research and development.

Rep. Stewart (R-Utah) commented:

Jun 8, 2017 Press Release

Washington, D.C. - Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) introduced The Outdoor Recreation Enhancement Act, which will ensure continued access to national parks and help preserve jobs for outfitters, guides and other seasonal employees.

Jan 11, 2017 Press Release
Today, the U.S. Department of Interior released their results of a year long review of the nation’s federal coal program. The report represents part of the final attempt by an outgoing administration to regulate America’s vast energy reserves so much so that they are economically unviable.
Aug 12, 2016 Press Release
Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) released the following statement today after the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced it had signed a new Record of Decision (ROD), paving the way for a new coal lease in Sevier County.
Jan 15, 2016 Press Release
Today, the Obama administration announced that it is freezing all new coal production on public lands, leading to significantly increased energy costs, lost jobs and a decrease in energy production. Following the announcement, Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) released the following statement:
Nov 6, 2015 Press Release
Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) released the following statement regarding President Obama’s announcement that the administration has rejected the proposal for the Keystone XL pipeline. This project, which has been under review for seven years, would bring crude oil from Alberta, Canada to the gulf coast.
Feb 11, 2015 Press Release
Today, Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) celebrated Congress’ approval of the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. This project has now been approved by both chambers of Congress and moves to the President's desk to be signed into law.
Jun 2, 2014 Press Release
Today, the Environmental Protection Agency announced new carbon regulations, requiring power plants to cut their carbon emissions by 30 percent by 2030. Following this announcement, Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah), former chairman of the House Subcommittee on the Environment, released the following statement:
May 22, 2013 Press Release
Today, Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) voted in favor of the Northern Route Approval Act, which allows Congress to authorize the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline, bypassing the need for approval from the White House Administration. The Pipeline would bring crude oil from the Tar Sands of Alberta, Canada to refineries of the gulf coast in the United States. Stewart released the following statement after the passage of the bill:
May 7, 2013 Press Release
Today, Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah), Chairman of the Subcommittee on Environment, led a key hearing, moving one step closer to getting the Keystone XL Pipeline approved. The Keystone pipeline would bring crude oil from the Tar Sands of Alberta, Canada to refineries of the gulf coast in the United States. Today’s joint Environment and Energy Subcommittee hearing reviewed the environmental and science aspects of the Keystone XL project, with a specific focus on the State Department’s recently released Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS).