Dec 14 2018

After seven years of war and the deaths of more than half of a million people, the atrocities of the Assad regime are still ongoing with the help of Russia and Iran. The United States must push for an end to the violence and suffering in Syria and hold the perpetrators accountable.

Oct 31 2018

There is a massive human and environmental toll from the discharges to the Treasure Coast. And it's turning the Treasure Coast into the Tortured Coast. The Tortured Coast documentary series highlights the people and places being destroyed.

Sep 28 2018

During my short time in Congress, I’ve strongly support efforts to reduce the cost of prescription drugs and increase transparency in pharmaceutical costs. This week, we made some critical progress on that front by passing bills to prohibit insurers and pharmacy benefit managers from using the “pharmacy gag clause”—an outrageous practice that forbids pharmacists from telling patients whether their prescription drugs would cost more out of pocket or through their insurance plan.

Sep 28 2018

The tax cuts that we passed last year have empowered people to keep more of the money they earn and have put our economy on an upwards trajectory. So, this week we passed three bills to lock in these tax cuts and make them permanent for individuals and families.