
Anna’s Committees and Caucuses

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House Committee on Energy and Commerce

Rep. Eshoo was selected by her colleagues in 1995 to serve on one of the busiest and most important committees in Congress. The Energy and Commerce Committee is responsible for legislation affecting Medicare, Medicaid, telecommunications, energy, the Internet, health-based environmental laws, children’s health, biotechnology, high technology, bioterrorism, interstate commerce, consumer protection, and food and drug safety.

Rep. Eshoo is a Member of the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology, and the Health Subcommittee.


Members participate in Congressional Caucuses to discuss and pursue common legislative aims. Rep. Eshoo is a member of the following Caucuses:

  • Congressional Internet Caucus, Co-Chair and Founding Member
  • Caucus on Religious Minorities in the Middle EastCo-Chair and Founding Member
  • NextGen 9-1-1 Caucus (formerly Congressional E-911 Caucus), Co-Chair
  • House Medical Technology Caucus , Co-Chair and Founding Member
  • Arthritis Caucus, Co-Chair
  • Public Broadcasting Caucus
  • Bicameral Congressional Caucus on Parkinson’s Disease
  • Bipartisan Congressional Task Force on Alzheimer’s Disease
  • California Democratic Congressional Delegation
  • Cancer Survivors Caucus
  • Climate Solutions Caucus
  • Congressional Arts Caucus
  • Congressional Biomedical Research Caucus
  • Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues
  • Congressional Caucus on Armenian Issues
  • Congressional Caucus on Hellenic Issues
  • Congressional Caucus on India and Indian Americans
  • Congressional Coast Guard Caucus
  • Congressional Diabetes Caucus
  • Congressional Taiwan Caucus
  • Congressional Wildlife Refuge Caucus
  • Biomedical Research Caucus
  • Congressional Caucus on Deadliest Cancers
  • Congressional High Tech Caucus
  • House National Marine Sanctuary Caucus
  • House Oceans Caucus
  • Congressional Privacy Caucus
  • Congressional Wireless Caucus
  • American Sikh Congressional Caucus
  • Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC)

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