Working Hard to Rebuild our National Security, Improve Economic Opportunity & Protect our Constitutional Liberties

Memberships, Awards, and Recognition

In addition to serving as a Member on the Energy and Commerce Committee and the Veterans' Affairs Committee, Congressman Flores believes that leadership with congressional caucuses, community service boards and other various groups benefit the Central Texas community. His service has been recognized with many awards and accomplishments – a few of which are listed below. He is proud of these achievements and for the opportunity to represent the interests of Central Texans in Congress.


Chairman 114th Congress - Republican Study Committee

Congressional Army Caucus (Chairman John Carter)

Congressional Caucus on CPAs and Accountants (Chairman Mike Conaway)

Congressional Hispanic Conference (Chairman Mario Diaz-Balart)

Congressional Job Creators' Caucus (Chairman Reid Ribble)

Congressional Natural Gas Caucus (Chairman Tim Murphy)

Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus (Chairman Jeff Miller; Vice-Chairman Mike Ross)

House General Aviation Caucus (Chairman Sam Graves)

Sunset Repeal Caucus (Chairman Kevin Brady)

Values Action Team (Chairman Joe Pitts)

Aerospace Caucus (Chairman Pete Olson)

Unmanned Systems Caucus (Chairman Buck McKeon)

Zoo and Aquarium Caucus (Chairman Spencer Bachus)

Congressional Steel Caucus (Chairman Tim Murphy)

Diabetes Caucus (Chairman Ed Whitfield)

Cystic Fibrosis Caucus (Chairman Thomas Marino)

High Tech Caucus (Chairman Mike McCaul)

Immigration Reform Caucus (Chairman Ted Poe)

Texas Caucus on Shale Oil and Gas (Chairman John Cornyn and Chairman Henry Cuellar)

Childhood Cancer Caucus (Chairman McCaul)

Sunset Repeal Caucus (Chairman Brady)

Pilot Caucus (Chairman Graves)

Ports Caucus (Chairman Poe)

Maritime Caucus (Chairman Farenthold)

Freefile Caucus (Chairman Conaway)

Chicken Caucus (Chairman Crawford)

Border Security Caucus (Chairman Lamar Smith)

Veterinary Medicine Caucus (Chairman Yoho)

Air Medical Caucus (Chairman Pete Sessions)

Down Syndrome Caucus (Chairman Pete Sessions)


National Taxpayers Union  - Taxpayers’ Friend Award

National Association of Home Builders - Defender of Housing

The Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance - Medical Innovation Award

National Tax-Limitation Committee - Tax Fighter Award 

National Retail Foundation - Hero of Main Street

National Federation of Independent Business - Guardian of Small Business

Marfan Foundation - Distinguished Public Servant Award

Healthcare Leadership Council - Champion of Healthcare Innovation

International Foodservice Distributors Association - Thomas Jefferson Award

U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Spirit of Enterprise Award 


Nucor Steel - Man of Steel Award

U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Spirit of Enterprise Award

American Conservative Union - Award for Conservative Excellence

National Association of Manufacturers - Manufacturing Legislative Excellence Award

National Retail Foundation - Hero of Main Street

Alliance for Patient Access (AfPA) and the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP) - Medicare Part D Patient Access Champion Award

Healthcare Leadership Council - Champion of Healthcare Innovation

Association of Builders and Contractors – Champion of Merit Shop

Foodservice Distributors Association - Thomas Jefferson Award.

American Academy of Ophthalmology - Visionary Award

American Conservative Union Conservative

Healthcare Leadership Council - Champion of Healthcare Innovation

U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Spirit of Enterprise Award 

Cuban American National Council Award

The Eagle Readers Choice Award - Local Servant/ Elected Official

Medicare Advantage Champion

National Federation of Independent Business - Guardian of Small Business

National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) Award for Manufacturing Legislative Excellence 


American Conservative Union -  Defender of Freedom Award

U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Spirit of Enterprise Award 

National Federation of Independent Business - Guardian of Small Business

American Conservative Union Award

Associated Builders and Contractors - Champion of the Merit Shop

60 Plus Association—Guardian of Senior Rights Award

Healthcare Leadership Council - Champion of Healthcare Innovation

International Foodservice Distributors Association- Thomas Jefferson Award

U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Spirit of Enterprise Award

National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (NAMIC) Benjamin Franklin Public Policy Award

Texas A&M Corps of Cadets - Hall of Honor

National Abstinence Education Foundation- Congressional Champion Award

60 Plus Association—Guardian of Senior Rights Award

Boss of the Plains Award - Congressman Flores received 2011 Boss of the Plains Award from the Ranching Heritage Association in Lubbock on June 10. Flores, who comes from a long line of ranchers, grew up working with his Dad and  brothers and sisters on a ranch in the Texas Panhandle. He believes he received a lot of his work ethic, his appreciation for history and closeness to family from working on the ranch. The principles for which the ranching industry are founded on – a belief in the free market economy, a belief in self-determination and a strength of self-accountability – are exactly what Congressman Flores is trying to fulfill in Congress today.

Guardian of Seniors' Rights Award - Because of his commitment to the elderly, Congressman Flores earned the coveted Guardian of Seniors' Rights award from the 60 Plus Association, a national non-partisan organization advocating lower taxes and an adherence to the Constitution. 60 Plus Chairman Jim Martin said, "we seniors felt we should show our gratitude to dedicated lawmakers like Bill Flores who show compassion towards the elderly by pledging to 1) always protect Medicare, 2) always protect Social Security and 3)just as importantly, to vote against wasteful spending of our tax dollars, excessive spending that has our government now borrowing over 40 cents of every dollar it needs to pay its bills. Seniors have to balance their budgets and so should our government.”

100% Pro-Worker Score - In recognition of his dedication to workers' rights, Congressman Flores received a 100% Pro-Worker Score on the Competitive Enterprise Institute's (CEI) Labor Policy Scorecard. A public policy organization dedicated to the principles of free markets and limited government, CEI, created a Labor Scorecard, in which Flores scored 100% in support of workers' rights for the first part of the 112th Congress. The score is determined based on the CEI policy determinations that support worker freedom and the elimination of Big Labor’s privileges across the country. For updated scores maintained in real time visit

Competitive Enterprise Institute—100% Pro-Worker Award (Right to Work Group)


Texas A&M University—Distinguished Alumni Award

Texas A&M University Mays Business School- Outstanding Alumni Award

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