Idaho's and America's agriculture plays an important role in providing an abundant and affordable food supply to the U.S. and the rest of the world. As a rancher, I know firsthand the challenges of those who work the land.
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President Obama's budget for fiscal year 2013 will result in an estimated $901 billion deficit. If approved, that would be the fifth year in a row of near trillion-dollar deficits. I do not support continued deficit spending.
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Our free market system has produced the greatest, most affluent culture the world has ever seen. Any legislation Congress enacts involving this system must be limited and carefully considered.
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The U.S. is a society of laws and without consistent interpretation of these laws by an impartial judiciary our freedoms will be diminished. I therefore support judicial nominees who believe the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land, who have an established record of judicial restraint and who do not see the judicial branch as a lawmaking body.
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The primary constitutional obligation of the federal government is to protect and defend the people, land, and resources of the United States of America. As a United States Senator, I am committed to maintaining a well-trained, fully-equipped military.
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A strong educational system is the foundation of a prosperous future for Idaho and our nation. I have long believed that the responsibility of educating our youth lies first with parents and also with teachers and local school officials chosen by parents.
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The energy policy we pursue as a nation influences our quality of life and how America competes in the global economy. As a member of the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, I am committed to developing an energy policy that provides clean, reliable and affordable energy for all Americans.
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Idaho and the rest of America have a rich supply of natural resources. I support legislation that protects our environment for future generations, while maintaining private property rights and keeping in mind the needs of local communities and industry.
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The most basic right we humans have is the right to life. I am strongly pro-life and always have been.
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The United States is a leader on the world stage and looked to for leadership and involvement in the many challenges found around the globe. As a member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, I work with other committee members to determine what our involvement should be on those issues.
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The Second Amendment is an individual right that must be maintained. Like our Founding Fathers, I oppose any abridgement of the right to keep and bear arms.
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Ensuring that all Americans have access to quality, affordable healthcare is among the greatest challenges our nation faces. Our current healthcare system is too expensive and inaccessible to far too many.
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I believe there is a three-pronged approach to immigration reform. First and foremost, we need to secure our borders.
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The housing market is an important element of the American economy.  I support policies like tax credits for first-time homebuyers and restrictions on predatory lending that encourage and protect qualified homebuyers.


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Jobs and job growth are critical components of a healthy, vibrant and robust economy. In these troubled economic times many have lost their jobs and means of income.
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America's public lands are an important resource that must be carefully managed and protected to meet multiple uses. In Idaho these lands make up nearly two-thirds of our state.
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As a member of the Senate Republican High Tech Task Force, I support and am actively engaged in advocating for sound tax, trade and regulatory policies that ensure Idaho and the rest of the U.S. remain on the cutting edge of science and technology research, development and innovation.
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Social Security not only serves as a retirement system, but also a provider of disability payments and benefits to survivors and dependents. Changes to the original Depression-era program have made the program financially unsustainable under current policy.
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The best way to strengthen families, grow businesses and boost our national economy is to let taxpayers keep more of their money. Our current tax system is too complicated and our taxes too high.
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Transportation literally drives the American economy. I support pro-growth policies that connect our cities and towns.
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Our veterans sacrificed much to protect our nation and freedom. We have a moral and legal obligation to provide them with everything they were promised by the federal government. Any new legislation or modification of existing law should reflect that commitment and duty.

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