Pre-existing conditions Nevadans could be denied coverage for before the ACA
For Dr. Ford to come to the Capitol, to go to a Senate hearing in front of mostly men, with lights and cameras in her face – and tell the most intimate, traumatic thing that happened to her for the public to hear - if you don't think that’s courageous, then you're in the wrong place at the wrong time to help us change the culture of violence against women. And let’s be clear what’s happening right now – we’re looking at appointing someone to the highest court in the land. But no one is entitled to that position. This is about ensuring we’re putting the right person on the Court with the right temperament. Judge Kavanaugh has not shown himself to be impartial and look out for all of us. Judge Kavanaugh is not that person.
Cortez Masto: Judge Kavanaugh’s Extreme Judicial Philosophy Threatens Women, Environment, Separation of Powers & Fundamental Civil Rights

This holiday season, I am grateful to our troops and their families for their daily sacrifices to protect our freedoms. Paul and I wish you comfort, hope and peace throughout the holidays and always.

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Wishing Nevadans and every one across the nation a festive holiday season full of love and joy!

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