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Rep. Brat Helps Orange County Make Major Strides Implementing Rural Broadband
November 2, 2018
Orange, Va. -- Today, Congressman Dave Brat congratulated Orange County on making major strides in implementing rural broadband. The Office of Rep. Br... More
Press Releases
Rep. Brat Introduces New Bill Designed To Protect Veterans
October 30, 2018
Washington, DC — Today, Representative Dave Brat (R-VA) announced he is introducing a new veterans bill titled, “Tally Bill.” The bill would bring VA ... More
Press Releases
Rep. Brat Celebrates New Law Addressing Opioid Crisis
October 25, 2018
WASHINGTON — Rep. Dave Brat released the following statement: “Yesterday, the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act was signed into law by Presiden... More
Press Releases
Rep. Brat Takes Part in Opioid Forum
October 17, 2018
Chesterfield, Va. -- Today, Congressman Dave Brat had the opportunity to co-host an open, honest conversation with Sheriff Karl Leonard and 100 inmate... More
Press Releases
Rep. Brat Introduces Resolution Honoring Mt. Zion Baptist Church on its 160th Anniversary
October 3, 2018
Washington, DC — Today, Representative Dave Brat (R-VA) announced he introduced a resolution in Congress (H. Res. 1112) to honor and congratulate Mt. ... More
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