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  • Climate Change and the Environment

    Stopping the harmful consequences of global climate change is the existential crisis of our generation. We cannot continue pumping pollutants into our air at no economic cost. Fourteen of the fifteen hottest years on record have been in this century....

  • Defense

    The headquarters of the United States military at the Pentagon, Arlington Cemetery, the Iwo Jima Memorial, Joint Base Meyer-Henderson Hall, Fort Belvoir, as well as thousands of defense-related jobs and even more of our service members all call Virgi...

  • Economy

    We need to continue our economic recovery with a middle class economic action plan that works for all American families. We must raise the minimum wage, ensure equal pay for equal work, end government shutdowns, and promote tax policies that empower ...

  • Education

    In Congress, I am committed to protecting and strengthening our public schools and supporting our educators. I believe that a quality education is measured in more than just test scores. We must ensure that teachers have the supports they need and th...

  • Equality

    I support full equality for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender individuals. I support legislation to ban workplace discrimination based on gender identity or sexual orientation and believe those protections were valuable additions to the re-e...

  • Federal Employees

    More than 76,000 federal employees call the 8th Congressional District home, a greater number than most states. They play critical roles in national security, transportation, commerce, food safety, and many other sectors. Thirty percent of the federa...

  • Gun Violence

    Gun violence claims over 30,000 lives per year, including nearly 20,000 firearm-related suicides. Despite this epidemic, Congress has sadly failed for years to take basic steps to curb gun violence despite overwhelming support for such measures by Am...

  • Healthcare

    All American families should have access to quality healthcare. No family in the United States should face economic ruin because of a health crisis, or have to choose between a trip to the emergency room and heating their home for the month. Presiden...

  • Immigration

    It is our responsibility to pass comprehensive immigration reform that secures a path to citizenship for the hard-working people who contribute to our economy and to our communities. They deserve the opportunity to become new Americans I fully suppor...

  • Oversight of the Administration

    I did not support Donald Trump for President, but upon his victory I pledged to work with him wherever he showed a willingness to enact constructive solutions to the country’s problems. I will continue to listen to my colleagues from across the aisle...

  • Transportation

    Northern Virginia suffers from some of the worst traffic congestion in the nation. The only way to mitigate the effects of traffic gridlock, and minimize the harmful impact to our environment, is through forward-thinking, multimodal solutions. We mus...

  • Veterans

    Virginia’s 8th congressional district is home to over 50,000 veterans and active duty service men and women. I am proud to represent a district with such a strong ethic of service. As the son of a 92-year-old Korean War veteran, I am deeply committed...

  • Women's Economic Empowerment

    The best way to ensure true financial security for middle class families is to support women in the workforce. Working women make up almost half of the American labor force and serve as primary breadwinners in over 40 percent of American households. ...