Trump’s repeal of net neutrality goes into effect today. Remember that the fight isn’t over—keep raising your voices and urging your representatives in the House to vote to restore net neutrality and #SaveTheInternet.
Thank you to the countless women across the world who are working hard to make a difference. As we celebrate #InternationalWomensDay, remember to keep marching and striving for change.
I oppose the Trump Admin’s efforts to repeal the Clean Power Plan – a decision that would endanger our booming clean energy economy and lead to as many as 1,400 premature deaths and 15,000 new cases of upper respiratory problems across our country. The United States should be on the front lines in building a clean energy economy and taking aggressive action on climate change. Instead, Trump and Acting EPA Administrator Wheeler are choosing to retreat, leaving our nation even further behind our allies.

Trump wants to shut down the government right before Xmas unless Congress agrees to waste $5 billion of American tax dollars on something he promised Mexico would pay for.

That would be $5 billion of OUR taxpayer dollars that would not get spent on improving our infrastructure and making childcare more affordable. Or on helping more students attend college or making pre-k universal. Or on the VA backlog, GI benefit payments that have been delayed or on taking care of our Veterans....

To my GOP colleagues, let’s not punish the American taxpayers by going further down this road. We already passed a bipartisan bill to fund the government. Let’s change course before it’s too late.

Secretary Mattis should testify before Congress and answer questions about the alarming contents of his resignation letter. Congress should use its power to check this President, defend our alliances and hold our adversaries accountable when Donald Trump refuses to.
Officials said Mr. Mattis went to the White House on Thursday afternoon in a last attempt to persuade Mr. Trump to keep American troops in Syria.